4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500


Hours QRP contest

http://vkqrpclub.org/qrp_hours_contest_2012.php It is hoped that as many as possible club members will take part in either of the two available contests coming up on the 14th. April. If we have six or more members enter, I will draw up a club table of how well we have done within the club, as long as you…
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  CCARC NEWS 12-12 THE PERIODIC NEWSLETTER OF THE CENTRAL COAST AMATEUR RADIO CLUB 1st. April 2012 ISSUE No 12-12 In this Issue: VK2RAG 6m repeater operational. CCARC ILLW 2012 team. New Jaycar catalogue. 1. VK2RAG 6m repeater operational As you will have seen from the special announcement sent out on Thursday night the clubs…
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VK2RAG – 6m operational 53.725MHz

The 6 metre repeater is now operational from Somersby. The link to VK2RAG on 439.725 is also active for those with an advanced or standard licenses. If you wish to take a look at this equipment in action close-up please give Don VK2ZCZ a call in the morning (Saturday 31st. March) as he’ll be going…
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*** VK2RAG 6 Metre repeater installation at Somersby ***

Yes folks the time has really arrived and the CCARC new 6m repeater is about to go “on-air” ! The hard work from Don VK2ZCZ, Bob VK2ZAR and many others is at last about to be rewarded with, what promises to be the clubs longest range repeater, linking the Central Coast to other neighbouring areas…
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April Business Meeting Change of Date

The scheduled business meeting for April was due to be held on Friday 6th which is Easter Friday.   Due to the holiday, it has been decided to reschedule the meeting for Friday 13th April 2012, commencing 19:30 hours. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.


CCARC NEWS 12-11 THE PERIODIC NEWSLETTER OF THE CENTRAL COAST AMATEUR RADIO CLUB 25 March 2012 ISSUE No 12-11 In this Issue: Club special offer on soldering station New shack PC Panadapter as club project? Anyone interested? 1. Club special on soldering station Chris, VK2YY is able to obtain the Hakko soldering station below at…
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CCARC NEWS 12-10 THE PERIODIC NEWSLETTER OF THE CENTRAL COAST AMATEUR RADIO CLUB 19 March 2012 ISSUE No 12-10 In this Issue: 1. Club rooms open this Wednesday John Moyle Contest Some funny science. 1. Club rooms open this Wednesday This Wednesday Bob restarts his fortnightly opening of the club rooms for anyone who wants…
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WIA Proposes Operating Principles

The Board of the Wireless Institute of Australia has adopted the following Operating Principles as a guide for all amateurs: We, the Australian Radio Amateurs will at all times: Act and operate with integrity; Be honest in our dealings; Ensure that the operating equipment of our station is safe for ourselves and for visitors to…
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CCARC NEWS THE PERIODIC NEWSLETTER OF THE CENTRAL COAST AMATEUR RADIO CLUB INC ISSUE 12-09 In this edition: Upgrades to club IT environment. John Moyle contest 17th.- 18th. March. ATV tests 1. Upgrades to club’s computing (IT) environments. Geoff VK2ZC has told me that he intends to replace the aging PC in the radio shack…
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  CCARC NEWS 12-08 THE PERIODIC NEWSLETTER OF THE CENTRAL COAST AMATEUR RADIO CLUB 3 Mar 2012 ISSUE No 12-08 In this Issue: 1.   Bigger signals from “the Coast”. Next Club Wednesday open day. Next club Saturday BBQ date. 1. Bigger signals from “the Coast” Seeing how many of the clubs advanced call members were…
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