4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500


CCARC February Business Meeting 7:30pm 3rd. Feb.

Reminder – the monthly business meeting is this coming Friday at the club rooms, in Dandaloo Street, Kariong from 7:30pm. This is where decisions are made and reports of what is happening in the club and what is planned are presented.

All hands on deck for Field Day preparations Feb. 4th.

***STOP PRESS STOP PRESS STOP PRESS STOP PRESS *** This action starts at 11am NOT 1pm as shown below please come as early as you can. All members that can attend are asked to attend the club rooms this coming Saturday to assist with Field day planning and preparations from 1pm. We will be printing,…
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Education Day February 18th.

Chris, VK2YY is kindly running a foundation exam course and any level of accreditation (Foundation, Standard, Advanced) exams at the CCARC club rooms in Dandaloo Street, Kariong on Saturday February 18th. The foundation course starts at 8:30am. followed by the exam in the same day. Other exams will be run on the day by appointment.…
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VK2RTG TV test transmissions

Victor, VK2BTV is currently sending test transmissions through our VK2RTG ATV repeater at Kariong each Monday & Tuesday night from about 7:30pm. The test material may be of interest to club members as it is educational broadcasts on the Amateur Radio hobby, from Hamnation and Amateur Radio Video News and some of the lecture nights…
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February Lecture night

The lecture planned for 17th. February has been cancelled to make time for Field Day preparations, but “do not despair” the lecture planned on the NBN from David Abrahams will actually take place as part of the lecture program at the Field Day. Check www.fieldday.org.au for the full lecture program.

Use of AX callsign – This Thursday 26th Jan – Australia Day

AX Could all members please consider changing their call signs from VK to AX this Thursday, 26th. January to celebrate Australia Day. The use of AX in place of VK (so VK2ARE for example becomes AX2ARE) is allowed each year by the ACMA on Australia Day, Anzac Day and World Telecommunications Day.

John Moyle Contest 2012 – who’s interested?

Who has any interest in taking part in the “Johnnie Moyle” contest this March?? The info below is courtesy of the WIA. John Moyle Field Day 2012 Contest Contest Manager Denis Johnstone VK4AE / VK3ZUX Contest Introduction Aim Of The Contest The aim is to encourage and provide familiarisation with portable operation, and provide training for emergency situations. The…
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Wednesday meetings

Don’t forget the club rooms will be open from 10am to 4pm for a social meeting each fortnight. The next meeting being this coming Wednesday 25th. January. Bob VK2PEP is the organiser of these meets.

WIA Summer VHF-UHF Field Day contest 14th January 2012

The CCARC took part in the recent contest near Warrah Trig on the Central Coast Peninsula near Patonga. Thanks to all who came up for an enjoyable if rather WET day! There was a lot less activity than last year when we were at Cap’n Cook’s Lookout, in fact we worked as much last year…
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2012 CCARC Wyong Field Day

The CCARC annual Wyong Field Day is being held on Sunday 26 February 2012. Once again the CCARC Field Day will be held at the Wyong Race Course on the Central Coast. Put it in your diary and we will see you there for another big day out in Amateur Radio.