CCARC Wyong Field Day 2010
The annual CCARC Wyong Field Day will be held on the 28 February 2010. This is the largest Hamfest in Australia and always draws a huge crowd. For details go to Field Day Page.
The annual CCARC Wyong Field Day will be held on the 28 February 2010. This is the largest Hamfest in Australia and always draws a huge crowd. For details go to Field Day Page.
The AGM of the CCARC was held on the 19 June. New office bearers were elected. Go to Office Bearers page for the list.
The 28th February 2010 has now been confirmed as the date of the next CCARC field day.
A tentative date of 28 February has been set for the 2010 CCARC Wyong Field Day. The date still needs to be confirmed 100% by NSW Racing. The Wyong Field Day is the largest Hamfest in Australia.
Prize Winner 1 AUZ Communications GIFT CERTIFICATE Bob VK2FULL AV Comm DEGEN 1103 Receiver Lee, VK2ANS Cro-Tek TEKTRONIX 7603 ‘scope VK2PN ICOM ID 800H D-Star Mobile TxRx VK2FDAZ Vertex Standard YAESU FT 7800 Terry, VK2FACI Fettell Communications WALKIE TALKIE SET VK2HX
The 2009 Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Wyong Field Day was held on Sunday 8 February and was a great success. More details later. Stay tuned for the date of the 2010 CCARC Field Day.
The Saturday evening dinner is on at the Wyong Bowling Riverside Club, which is on Panonia Road, Wyong. It is along side the Wyong River, just 3 minutes from the Race Course. There is a club pickup bus if you require a lift – just phone 4352 1368. We have a separate room for our…
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Icom is donating an ID-800H D-Star mobile transceiver as the door prize at the Wyong Field Day. Dual band 50W Remote head Multi-colour display DPRS with serial GPS.