4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500



CCARCLOGO                          CCARC NEWS


 ISSUE No 12-06

In this edition:

  1. Thanks to all members who helped at the Field day!!

  2. Tri-bander to go back up soon.

  3. Don’t miss the business meeting this Friday

  4. John Moyle contest getting close

  5. ILLW 2012 – do you want to be part of it?

1. Field Day a great success.

Thanks to all the members who put in the hard yards to support the Wyong Field Day this last Sunday. We don’t know the actual number of attendees yet but from the little I saw (and heard) I think there were more attendees than last year. Three of the four lecturers have already asked if they can give lecturers next year.

I hope members working at the event found time to do a tour and grab some bargains to take home with them.

2. Club HF antenna re-installation – this coming Saturday.

If we can get enough helpers, we will lower the mast down attach the tri-bander and possibly the 2m long Yagi antenna that Chris VK2YY has provided and get everything back up on the higher mast that was prepared about 10 days ago. All of this in time for the upcoming John Moyle contest.

3. Business Meeting this Friday – 2nd. March

If you want to know what’s happening at the club and have input in the direction it takes – there’s ONLY ONE WAY – attend the business meeting! 7:30 pm at the club rooms in Kariong.


 4. John Moyle Contest March 17th.-18th.

I need to know if there is any interest in the club entering the contest and if so, do you prefer a full 24hrs out in the bush or just a short 6hr. entry either portable locally or from the club rooms, or a combination of the three. Please let me know via an email to news-editor at ccarc dot org dot au.

5. ILLW 2012 August 18th-19th.

We only have a limited number of over-night places available for this years event at Nobbys Head Lighthouse. There will be a non-returnable deposit for food that will need to be paid as a condition of taking part. So if you are interested and want more details contact me quickly before all the places go by sending an email to news-editor at ccarc dot org dot au. I expect all places to have gone before the end of March, so be quick!

If you are not interested in staying overnight the whole area is open to the public on the Sunday, so those willing to come along on Sunday to help talk to the public and promote our great hobby should also let me know asap.


Past editions of the CCARC NEWS can now be downloaded at


News Broadcasts:

Sunday 09:00 – Westlakes / 09:30 WIA on VK2RTZ 146.775

Sunday10:00 – WIA /10:30 ARNSW on VK2RAG 146.725.

Sunday 19:30 – extended ARNSW News on VK2RAG 146.725

Monday 19:30 – Hunter region / ARNSW on VK2RAG 146.725 (currently not taking place)

News Text (anytime):

WIA http://www.wia.org.au/newsevents/news/2011/index.php

ARNSW http://www.arnsw.org.au/html/news_vk2wi.htm


WIA http://www.wia.org.au/members/broadcast/wianews


RSGB http://gb2rs.podbean.com


Club Nets (all welcome):

Saturday     08:30 CCARC  “planning call” on VK2RAG 146.725

Wednesday 20:00 CCARC “foundation net” on VK2RAG 146.725

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