ISSUE No 12-07
In this Issue:
1. IRLP to be off the air
2. Change to planned Tri-Bander action
3. John Moyle Contest – sign up now if you want to be part of it
4. ILLW limited places left.
1. IRLP to be off-the-air
Dave, VK2JDH who provides the link to the Internet for the CCARC 70cm IRLP equipped VK2RAG repeater (IRLP Node 6060) has sent the following announcement for distribution;
The IRLP machine is going to be shut down on the weekend for a few days as the antenna in being removed while the RE takes his photos on Tuesday.
I will put it back up again untill I get time to move the whole thing to Geoff’sDavid Hardy VK2JDH
2. Change to plans to raise the Tri-Bander HF beam this weekend.
Given the weather forecast it will not be safe to attempt to lower and raise the mast this Saturday, so this action has been postponed, possibly until next weekend. It is possible however if the weather is not too bad that some Heliax cable will be run out in preparation for the 2m long yagi that can be viewed at the moment in the clubs lecture room.
3. John Moyle contest – all systems go!
From Dave, VK2JDH:
We are planning to do the JMMFD at Mt Allyn.
The JMMFD will be held over the weekend of the 17 – 18 March, 2011 and will run from 0100 UTC on the Saturday till 0059 on the Sunday. Col VK2KCM, Dave VK2JDD and Dave VK2JDH and families will be operating as usual from Mt Allyn. They are inviting other club members to come along and enjoy the experience of operating in the bush.
People that want to stay the weekend (1 or 2 nights) will need to be self sufficient and bring suitable camping gear such as 0-5 degree sleeping bag, mattress, tent, toiletries and food. We will be able to share cooking equipment etc. There are no facilities at Mt Allyn.
There are one or two seats available for passengers in existing vehicles. If driving, as a minimum a soft roader is recommended, preferably a 4X4. Sedans not recommended.
If someone just wants to come up for the day, Saturday would be best. It’s about 3-3.5 hours driving from Gosford each way, with the last hour on dirt. Leaving at 8am would get you there for lunch and the start of
the contest. Leave at 6pm and you be on the tar road before dark. If there has been heavy rain some creek causeways may have 20-30cm of water over them. If the rain has been very heavy some of the crossing may be impassable, but there are dry detours available.If you want to know more contact any of the above.
David Hardy VK2JDH email: vk2ydh at hotmail dot com.
4. ILLW -places going fast.
For club members interested in taking part overnight in the International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend radio operation and publicity event on Saturday 18th. and Sunday 19th. August at Nobbys Head Lighthouse in Newcastle, please let me know ASAP. A deposit of $25 per person is proposed to pay for food on the evening.
As we will put on this event in combination with the HARAOA club and we currently are only allowed to have 12 people on-site overnight, that is six from each group. I will wait until the end of March before “closing the books” and if we are unable to fill those six places, spare places will be released to the HARAOA team. If we have a big demand, I’ll see if I can negotiate permission to have more people there overnight.
Those staying overnight should know that the cottage has power and light but nothing else – no toilets, no beds no heating and you have a 15min walk from the car park.
Past editions of the CCARC NEWS can now be downloaded at
News Broadcasts:
Sunday 09:00 – Westlakes / 09:30 WIA on VK2RTZ 146.775
Sunday10:00 – WIA /10:30 ARNSW on VK2RAG 146.725.
Sunday 19:30 – extended ARNSW News on VK2RAG 146.725
Monday 19:30 – Hunter region / ARNSW on VK2RAG 146.725 (currently not taking place)
News Text (anytime):
Club Nets (all welcome):
Saturday 08:30 CCARC “planning call” on VK2RAG 146.725
Wednesday 20:00 CCARC “foundation net” on VK2RAG 146.725