4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500





ISSUE No 12-19   19th. May 2012

In this Issue:


  1. Balloon Flight opportunity to use repeater from the Central Coast.
  2. VHF-UHF Field Day contest – VK2EH/P will be active.
  3. St Albans TWO day event in June – WICEN CNC to support.
  4. Test HF club net on 40m on Thursday.
  5. Contributions for CCARC NEWS.

1. Balloon Flight opportunity to use repeater from the Central Coast.

As part of the WIA Convention in Mildura next weekend, the Horus Project team will be launching a balloon that should be able to be heard from the coast. Several members intend to meet at 8:30am on Sunday 27th. May at an area near the old oak Cafe site in Peats Ridge. Here’s the google map link to the exact location:


So why not bring your dual band handy talkie and 2/70cm antenna along and see if you can work through the repeater on the balloon. Or if you prefer, just bring your camera along and watch other club members making a fool of themselves (HI). Here’s the info on the balloon:

Launch Time: 9am.

Location: Mildura, VIC.

Expected coverage: 800Km radius from launch site.

2/70cm repeater – input 438.90MHz with a 123Hz CTCSS tone, output 147.50MHz.

APRS will be active as VK5ARG-11 for tracking.

300 baud RTTY telemetry will be transmitted on 434.075MHz.

For more details, please go to the Project Horus website at http://www.projecthorus.org

2. VHF-UHF Field Day contest – VK2EH/P will be active.

The Winter VHF/UHF Field day contest takes place on June 23rd-24th. The club will be active under the VK2EH/P call sign in the contest from a location close enough to the coast to allow easy travel to and from the site. If you can’t get out to help, please at least get on the bands (6m and up to 23cm, for those who can) and give the club station a call to add to the points.

3. St Albans TWO day event in June – WICEN CNC to support.

The June long weekend sees a TWO DAY horse trail instead of the usual one day event. As WICEN CNC is supporting this event providing safety communications, all of those who can help are asked to contact Glen VK2GEM, Bob VK2ZAR or Col VK2ZCO to offer your help. The support of this event is a great preparation for the week long Shazada event in August however it’s main purpose is to check our YOUR portable equipment and readiness to be able to provide communications support in the event of a real emergency.

To get ready for the event the following action is planned on next Saturday.

St Alban’s Ride Briefing and Portable Repeater Set-up Training for all WICEN members
Date: 26th May, 2012
Time: 2.00pm
Place: CCARC Clubrooms, Kariong

There will be a BBQ preceding this at the clubroom(lovingly cooked by Bob and Glen) if you would like to come  along  a bit earlier for a feed and a chat.
Hope to see you all there
This information from: Glenn VK2GEM, WICEN RCO Central Coast.

4. Test HF club net on 40m on Thursday.

As well as the current Club net at 8pm on Wednesday on the clubs VK2RAG 2m repeater, it has been decided to try a club net on the HF bands. The inaugural CCARC-HF-Net is planned for this coming Thursday 24th. May at 8pm on 7.093MHz +- QRM. I (VK2ARE) will be Net coordinator for this first net. We have chosen 40m as tests on 80 and 20 do not seem to work for such local communications around the coast.

5. Contributions for CCARC NEWS.

While I don’t mind passing on information provided to me for the CCARC NEWS. If any of the club members have suitable material that they have written themselves please feel free to email it to me as news-editor @ ccarc.org.au.

CCARC online links

Upcoming events of interest to the CCARC

For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website.

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