ISSUE No 12-25 1st. July 2012
In this Issue:
- Club membership fees due.
- New picture required for the club website.
- What’s in the Box?
1. Club membership fees for 2012-2013 due.
The time has come to renew your club membership. The annual membership fee stays the same as last year at A$30.00. If you are attending and we hope you do, the AGM in August, you will need to have paid your membership otherwise you will not be able to vote on motions. It would be a help if all members renew as soon as they can. The fees are due as of today (July 1st. 2012).
For those considering joining the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club, the decision has been made at the last business meeting, not to charge a joining fee for those joining the club in the 2012-2013 club year. This is a saving of A$20.00. So if you know of someone who may want to join, please pass this on. New members will only need to pay the annual membership fee of A$30.00 if they join in the current club year (2012-2013).
The membership list is being updated and details how to renew your membership will be sent out to all members by the secretary in the next few days. Details of the clubs bank account will also be included so if you can’t get to the club to pay, you can pay via bank transfer. Please note as last year, we are requesting members to fill in the renewal forms with full details so that we can catch any changes to addresses, phone numbers or email addresses. This form also allows you to state if some of this information is not for publication.
2. New picture for the club website required.
Can you all search through your photos of club activities and see if you have any suitable shots to replace this picture that currently appears at the top of all webpages on the website. As you can see this is a wide picture, so when looking at your photos please consider whether we can cut out this shape from your picture and still keep the important parts within it. If there are people in your photo, please obtain their approval for “publication” before sending in the photo. Please send photos in JPEG format to me, in as high a resolution as possible, to news-editor @ Thanks.
3. What’s in the box?
Currently in the “gifting boxes” at the back of the club lecture room we have two items available for any member who wishes to take them.
1. Uninterruptible power supply unit. The unit works, the battery is good, the sensing electronics are suspect. In so much as it didn’t cut in the last time power failed. Someone with basic electronics knowledge and a little time should be able to fix this up. Alternatively it has a good sealed battery in it that could be removed – but the taker has to dispose of case / electronics etc. do not leave these at the club, thank you.
2. A log periodic TV antenna. This is almost new having been up on a mast for a fortnight for reception tests for VK2RTG and having failed (insufficient gain for my area) has been taken down and is available for someone in a better located area to use to receive TV, including VK2RTG. Why not try to get this up in time for the upcoming ATV QSO party?
CCARC online links
Upcoming events of interest to the CCARC
For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website.