4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500





ISSUE No 12-28 28th. July 2012

In this Issue:

  1. We’re back and August is a busy month – needing lots of support from CCARC members.
  2. Do you need a Balun, or N-Type connectors?
  3. VHF-UHF Winter Field Day result – VK2WFD/P.
  4. Fox Hunt anyone?

1. Busy month of August.

August bring several club events that need CCARC member support, namely:

  • The Remembrance day contest on Saturday 11th/Sunday 12th. – coincidentally the last planning meeting for Shazada is also on Saturday 11th. (along with a BBQ) more about Shazada below.
  • The club AGM on Friday the 17th. of August.
  • The international Lighthouse and Lightship weekend (a fun operating and publicity event) from Nobbys Head lighthouse, Newcastle on the 18th. & 19th August.
  • SHAZADA – 26th. August – 1st. of September.

Remembrance Day (RD) contest. As stated in the last CCARC NEWS, given the low level of interest in this event, I am expecting the club to only take part on Saturday afternoon (say 1pm – 6pm) rather than the full 24 hours. Please drop me an email to vk2are @ wia.org.au (without the spaces) if you can help.

Club Annual General Meeting. All current members will have received full details of the AGM either via ermail of via the post over the last week. If you have not received details, please drop an email to ccarc @ ccarc.org.au (without the spaces) and Leonie will be able to update you. Please also remember that an SGM has been called this coming Friday (3rd. August) preceding the normal business meeting, to discuss the proposed changes to the club constitution and standing orders, in order to clarify all points prior to the AGM.

ILLW – International Lighthouse & Lightship weekend. I covered this in some detail in the last CCARC NEWS however in the interim, for a variety of reasons, several of our overnight team have had to drop out so I am asking again if any members are able to support this effort, starting at about 10am on Saturday, setting up for a start at midday, running through to 3pm the following day (Sunday). There is public access to the location on Sunday however not on Saturday, so I need to know who will be able to operate overnight. As you know this is a joint action with the HARAOA, so it would be good to have a large turnout from the CCARC.

SHAZADA – WICEN-CNC – set up for the event is the Sunday before and take down, the Saturday after the event, which runs from Monday 27th. to Friday 31st. of August. If you are unable to assist during the working week, perhaps you could come up to St Albans to help with the set-up or take-down work?  The amount of checkpoints we will be able to put out during the events is directly related to the number of amateurs (and family members) available to help. If you are able to help in any way, either at the weekends or during the week, please contact Bob VK2ZAR, Col VK2ZCO or Glen VK2GEM asap.

2. Baluns & N-Type connectors.

Chris VK2YY, is about to place an order for these hard to obtain in Australia parts – so if you also require some, please contact Chris in the next few days, so he can include your orders.

3. VHF-UHF Winter Field Day Result.

It may only be a 12th. place out of 14 but it gets the club call sign out there! In this case the exercise has also generated some improvements to my portable set-up. 

4. Fox Hunt.

If anyone is interested in taking part in a radio fox-hunt in a month or two when the weather improves, please contact Col VK2ZCO.


CCARC online links

Upcoming events of interest to the CCARC

For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website.

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