4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500





ISSUE No 12-29 2nd. August 2012

In this Issue:

  1. Special General Meeting tomorrow night (3rd. August).
  2. A “Strange but Effective” HF antenna from Arthur VK2FHAY.
  3. Important club dates in August.

1. Special General Meeting (SGM) Friday 3rd. August 19:00 – Kariong.

In order to remind all club members of the SGM tomorrow night, which will precede the August business meeting, starting at 19:00 prompt, this edition of CCARC NEWS has been released a couple of days early. The SGM has been called to approve changes to the constitution & standing orders, so as many members as possible should attend. While the changes are in the most part, improvements to wording, it is important that all members at least review the changes that were sent out a fortnight ago and then attend the SGM so as to give their support, suggest amendments to or oppose the proposed changes.

2. A “Strange but effective” HF antenna from Arthur, VK2FHAY.

Building my half wave off centre fed dipole antenna by VK2FHAY.
The design of this antenna is a combination of an Off Centre Fed Dipole and an Inverted-V dipole and based on the item in the Foundation licence manual.
The balun parts were obtained from various sources.
The cable from JR Turks, insulators from rural supplies, fittings from Jaycar.
Firstly I assembled the balun into the plastic box from Jaycar with the SO239 and eye connectors,drilling the holes to suit,as per the photo below:

Then I measured the antenna cable:
The longer part of the antenna is a half wave at 40 metres, the shorter leg a quarter wave at 40metres.
The short leg connects to the coax cable earth screen when attached to the balun.
This short leg of the antenna winds around the pole a couple of times, is tied off and drops down to earth, where it’s end is actually buried – yes, the short leg of the dipole is physically earthed at its end!
The balun box is fixed to the pole.
The rest of the antenna is then stretched to a suitable support – in my case the carport. The far end is tied off using nylon rope.
The SWR of the antenna can be adjusted by shortening or lengthening the main wire (hence changing the resonant frequency of the antenna).
Plugging the feeder cable into an antenna tuner I found I could tune all bands from 10 metres to 80 metres.
I’ve used it successfully on 40 metres to take part in the Kandos net, reports were good.
All the experts out there who say this construction can not work, you are welcome to come and check it out at my place any time.
Arthur VK2FHAY

3. Other upcoming important club dates in August.

As stated in more detail in the last CCARC NEWS, we have several important dates for CCARC members this month – here’s a reminder:

  • The Remembrance day contest on Saturday 11th – coinciding with the WICEN planning meeting for Shazada along with a BBQ (more about Shazada below).
  • The club AGM on Friday the 17th. of August.
  • The international Lighthouse and Lightship weekend (a fun operating and publicity event) from Nobbys Head lighthouse, Newcastle on the 18th. & 19th August.
  • SHAZADA – 26th. August – 1st. of September.



CCARC online links

Upcoming events of interest to the CCARC

For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website.

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