ISSUE No 12-37 20th. October 2012
In this Issue:
- JOTA today and tomorrow!
- YAHOOO!! It works – 20m QSB SSB transceiver working thanks to help from the P&D group!!
- CCARC & WICEN CNC Christmas Party.
- Good radio operating practices.
- Next club BBQ date.
- New Carpet in radio room.
1. JOTA is today and tomorrow.
If you are reading this on Saturday the 20th. or Sunday the 21st. of October – what are you doing at home – you should be out helping the club support the Scouts and Guides! See if you can, please get down to East Gosford Scout hall in Wattle Street (in the Hylton Moore park) after 10am on either day. Dougie VK2MDC and Andrew VK2FHSV (or has he got his new call sign – VK2PAM yet?) will be happy to see you coming along to help. See you there!
2. YAHOOO!! It works – 20m QSB SSB transceiver working thanks to help from the P&D group!!
Last Friday (12th. October), I took my partially working kit construction up to the Projects & Development (P&D) group. I found ANOTHER Mr. FIXIT! This time Col VK2ZCO helped me rectify the error I had made by winding some bifalar toriod transformers incorrectly. Once removed rewound and re-mounted the unit was ready for testing the next day and after some finger trouble (adjusting the wrong transformer cans – Doh!) the unit now emits RF!
So now both RX & TX function correctly and it’s on to the next project, to make a simple portable antenna to use with this 20m QRP rig.
This is a good example of how together we can fix more problems than alone. So if you have that project that you built but could not get to work, or you have that failed piece of equipment that you would like to repair if only you had the knowledge. The P&D group have a wide range of knowledge and skills – so why not bring that non-working unit up to any of the Project group meetings (check calendar for next meeting – it’s every week apart from when lectures are on), and get busy fixing the unit with the help of other club members and soon you’ll be enjoying that piece of equipment that you had given up hope of ever getting working!
Do you wonder what the projects & development group are working on? Well why not come along and see at any of the Friday evening meetings better even, the first Friday of the month when we have our “show & tell” meetings (construction/repair work still takes place in this meeting).
3. CCARC and WICEN CNC Christmas Party.
It has been agreed that there will be a combined CCARC & WICEN Christmas Lunch as in previous years – details are as follows:
Date: Saturday 8th. December.
Time: High Noon to 2pm.
Location: CCARC Club rooms at Kariong.
4. Good radio operating practices.
Courtesy of the RSGB, here is a mini-poster (A4) you should all print out and have in your station:
[wpdm_file id=98]
5. Next Club BBQ – Saturday 27th. October.
The next club BBQ will precede the Wyong Field Day planning meeting on Saturday 27th. October at the club rooms at Kariong.
6. New carpet in the radio room.
I am happy to announce that the wooden floor in the radio room is now covered with carpet. it is hoped that this will help the acoustics of the room We will see on October 27th when we will take part in the CQWW SSB contest.
CCARC online links
Upcoming events of interest to the CCARC
For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website.