4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500




ISSUE No 13-14 14th. April 2013

In this Issue:

  1. Change to this months lecture.
  2. Operating portable in a plowed field.
  3. CCARC in WIA NFD.
  4. Shock withdrawal of Amateur of the Year award at Dayton Hamvention.
  5. Broke & fixed.
  6. Reminders.

1. Change to this months lecture.

Nick VK2DX regrettably cannot give his presentation on the new 472KHz band this coming Wednesday evening as planned because of health reasons & other commitments, so the Wednesday night lecture is cancelled but we will hold an alternative lecture on Friday night instead. Nick hopes to be able to set a new date in the near future to give his lecture to the CCARC.

This Friday we will present a DVD called “2 0scar  12 London – The most successful Special Event Station ever”.

Exert from the back of the DVD box: England’s flagship amateur radio celebration of the London Olympic and Paralympic Games was organised by the Cray Valley Radio Society. 2012L was located in the Royal Borough of Greenwich in South East London close to three Olympic and Paralympic venues. With the help, generosity and support of CVRS members, Royal Greenwich District Scouts and friends, 2012L was active from the 25th. of July to the  9th. of September 2012.

They made 69,644 QSO’s covering 220 DXCC entities using 5 stations.

The DVD has 45 minute run-time.

Karen VK2AKB – Lecture coordinator.

2. Operating portable in a plowed field

I received this picture during the week. I know which club member it is – do you ?





Don’t forget! Today (Sunday 14th. April) two CCARC stations will be active (the third had to be cancelled). So if you can’t get out to visit the stations, at least give them a call if you find them on the bands between 11am and 2pm local today.

The frequencies to check are:

Woy Woy Lions Park – VK2EH/P – HF 7.0900 and 14.200 use IRLP NODE 6217 D-star VK2RAG port C

Gosford waterfront – VK2WFD/P – 80m: 3610KHz, 40m: 7150KHz, 20m: 14275KHz. (+ or – 10KHz if these frequencies are in use).


4. Shock withdrawal of Amateur of the Year award at Dayton Hamvention.

The Dayton Hamvention Awards Committee announced on April 7 that it would be withdrawing its Amateur of the Year Award for 2013 to Mustapha Landoulsi DL1BDF. According to Dayton Hamvention General Chairman Charles Kaiser, KD8JZR, the committee had received “conflicting information from credible sources regarding the accuracy of the winning nomination.”

After verifying these reports, Kaiser made the decision to withdraw the award for 2013. “Unfortunately, this changes the way we score for the Amateur of the Year Award,” Kaiser said in a statement on the Hamvention website. “Since the competition was close with other nominees, the outcome would have been different.” Kaiser then made the decision to not award the Amateur of the Year Award for 2013 to any of the other nominees.

The other awards for 2013 — the Technical Excellence Award, the Special Achievement Award and the Club of the Year Award — are not affected by Kaiser’s decision.

Thanks to the Southgate News and the ARRL for this news item

5. Broke & fixed.

No items for Broke & Fixed this week – all CCARC infrastructure is operational.


6. Reminders.

This new section will list items from previous CCARC NEWS that are still current and may need your input:

  1. WIA National Field Day the club needs you participation (see item 3. above).
  2. CCARC-NEWS 13-11 Club Raffle – Digital TV set.
  3. CCARC-NEWS 13-10 New club member sales page open for business.


Anyone reading this on the website who is not yet a member of the CCARC, please consider joining by emailing ccarc @ ccarc.org.au for full details. We currently have no joining fee and the annual membership fee is A$30.00.

CCARC online links

Upcoming events of interest to the CCARC

For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website.

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