4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500




ISSUE No 13-23 21st. July 2013

In this Issue:

  1. Club to add 23cm capability.
  2. Trip to Friedrichshafen / European SOTA activations – future items.
  3. CCARC to take part in Remembrance Day contest.
  4. Broke & fixed.
  5. Reminders.

1. Club to add 23cm capability.

Led by Chris & Don, the club is expanding both repeater and club station capabilities to cover the 23cm band.

Investigations are well progressed into the best way to implement a 23cm FM repeater up at Somersby given the general increase in interest in this band both in the general Sydney area and within the club.

The existing VHF/UHF (ICOM IC-910H) transceiver will also get an upgrade to provide 23cm all mode capability while in use at the club or when used portable on contest field days. Thanks again to the great work by Bob VK2ZAR in making the IC-910H safely and simply removable from the shack bench for use portable.

IC910H-UX910_module Ed VK2JI.

2. Trip to Friedrichshafen / European SOTA activations – future items.

As most may know, I have been away on holiday to Europe on vacation and managed to include some Amateur Radio related actions. Attendance at the Freidrishshafen Ham radio event was the highlight followed by 4 Summits on the Air (SOTA) summit activations in the UK, Germany and Austria. I hope to get my Friedrichshafen pictures and notes together to make an article for the next Smoke Signals and there may be a lecture on SOTA activations in the next month or two as well. In the interim if you don’t know what SOTA is please checkout www.sota.org.uk and my blog at vk2ji.com for more details. For Freidrichshafen – if you wish to listen to my interviews with Graham from BHI (new noise cancelling speaker product and general comments on trader attendance at FH), the President of IARU about what the IARU is doing currently, The President of Rotarians of Amateur Radio (ROAR) about their recent conference in Lisbon, Portugal, and Andy MM0FMF about current SOTA status, the interviews are the main feature of the current ICQPODCAST internet radio program ( www.icqpodcast.com ) and may be featured in the next WIA News Broadcast (awaiting release permission).


3. CCARC to take part in Remembrance Day contest.

The CCARC will take part in this years RD contest from the club rooms on the 17th. August . VK2AFY will definitely be on the air on Saturday afternoon / evening for the short section. Doug VK2MDC would like to operate for the full 24 hours through to the 18th. of August however he will need support from a class A operator if he is to be able to run the full power using the club linear. Please contact Doug or myself if you are interested in taking part in this club event. n.b. The RD contest this year coincides with the International Lighthouse & Lightship weekend, which as announced previously the CCARC will not take part in this year due to last of interest from the club members.


4. Broke & fixed.

Thankfully any items that may have been broken since the last CCARC NEWS have been fixed and  all CCARC infrastructure is operational.


5. Reminders.

This section lists important announcements and possibly items from previous CCARC NEWS editions that are still current and may need your input:

  1. CCARC membership fees are due to be paid by July 31st and have been set at $35 for the coming year.


Anyone reading this on the website who is not yet a member of the CCARC, please consider joining by emailing ccarc @ ccarc.org.au for full details.

For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website.

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