4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500




ISSUE No 13-24 27th. July 2013

In this Issue:

  1. QR Codes – make your own!
  2. Two great rigs for sale from Sam VK2ZZ.
  3. ACMA KW test draws to a close.
  4. Broke & fixed.
  5. Reminders.

1. QR codes – make your own!

While not directly Amateur Radio related, you will have seen these strange square boxes printed on packages, in magazines and on websites of late. These can be read in a similar way to which bar codes are read when you go to a supermarket check-out. They were intended initially to send people reading an article to a website URL to get more information. To read them you need a “smart phone” – normally Android or iPhone but apps are also available on Blackberry and Windows phones. You simple “feature phone” can’t read these however. The point is that when the (free) app reads the code, it takes an action – normally it opens the browser on your phone and sends you to a web page. I say normally as these codes can do much more – for example after you scan the code, the smart phone may send an SMS or email from your phone or take you to a place to pay for something. Normally these are actions that you want to happen as the text around the Q-code will have told you what it is going to do. If there is no special text, you should only be sent to a website.

With bar codes, you would not normally want to create your own code and you would need a special printer (or font for your existing graphics capable printer). In the case of a Q-Code it is pure graphics and will print on most graphics capable printers, but in this day and ago of trying to avoid printing to paper you can also save this as a graphics file and then put it on a website. Some people like printing the graphic to their T-Shirts so that you can “scan” the person and be taken to their website.  Strange, I know but it gives some people a “buzz”.

To get the app, simply go to your smart phones app store and search on QR code and you will undoubtedly have many free programs to chose from. Read the descriptions and load the one that is best for you.

To create your own QR code, there are Windows programs (and I’m sure Linux and Mac as well) but I have found a website that does it all for you online – http://www.qrstuff.com/

Here’s a QR code to try a scan of with your phone (it simply takes you to my website – it does nothing else) – this was created on the website above.


A good use of QR codes would be to add one pointing to the club website at www.ccarc.org.au on your QSL cards, to show you support the club – you could of course also put a link to your qrz.com webpage if you have one.


2. Two great rigs for sale from Sam VK2ZZ

Those of you who monitor the club website will have noticed two new items appearing on the members sales page of this website.

Sam VK2ZZ has two rigs for sale. Both are in an as new, condition and he is looking for A$500 for each of them.

The first is an ICOM IC-92AD (H.H. D-star)  and comes with a desktop charger, GPS microphone, and data cable in the price.


The second is YAESU FT-8900 quad band mobile rig that comes with a CR8900 antenna and USB data cable in the price. This rig covers 10M, 6M, 2M & 440Mhz a Quad Band Radio with Dual Band Receive. 

YAESU SOLD 28/7/2013


If you are interested in purchasing either of these rigs please contact Sam directly either via email to faber.sam at gmail.com or via SMS to SMS 0422 349 664 (Sam can also be approached at a Business meeting or Friday night project meetings).


3. ACMA KW test draws to a close.

Those amateurs who currently have an NoV to allow operation at up to 1KW output on certain HF bands and submitted data to the ACMA have been receiving confirmation back of compliance. I have also heard on the contests newslist, that an amateur that has just renewed his lapsed Advanced license and did not have an NoV, received his renewed license documentation already with the text that allows operation at powers up to 1KW. This would suggest to me that the ACMA has already concluded that no issues will ensue by allowing the higher output limit for Advanced licensees.

However, as yet the ACMA has not made an official announcement, so the case reported, could have been an error (but I don’t think it was).

Please note that the EMR calculator that most of us used for our submission, while not inaccurate reported compliance to grade 1 or 2 based on commercial limits not amateur ones. The calculator has now been updated and can be downloaded from the WIA website. (here) It is suggested that all VK amateurs use the new calculator and check their EMR figures. Also please remember that EMR calculations have been required for all amateur stations for several years and are not something new with the “KW license”. An ACMA inspector can ask for these reports during an inspection of any station (yes that means Foundation, Standard and Advanced licensees).


4. Broke & fixed.

Thankfully all CCARC infrastructure is currently operational.


5. Reminders.

This section lists important announcements and possibly items from previous CCARC NEWS editions that are still current and may need your input:

  1. The CCARC Member Fees for the Year Ending 30 June 2014, set at $35.00, are now due.
    For those members who have paid their 2014 fees, we thank you, for those yet to pay, payment can be made by any of the following:-
    1.Cash Payments to any member of the Executive Committee, who will issue a receipt.
    2.Cheque Payments by Post: Hon. Secretary, CCARC, P.O. Box 238, Gosford, NSW2250
    3.Electronic Funds Transfer to:  Commonwealth Bank Account:. CCARC,   BSB: 062544,  Account: 00901201 (Please use   Call Sign  or Family Name to Identify EFT).

Anyone reading this on the website who is not yet a member of the CCARC, please consider joining by emailing ccarc @ ccarc.org.au for full details.

For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website.


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