4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500




ISSUE No 13-25 3rd. August 2013

In this Issue:

  1. AGM this month – the one meeting you really should attend!
  2. Great video introducing Amateur Radio.
  3. Projects Group.
  4. Broke & fixed.
  5. Reminders PLEASE READ- Several items this time.

1. AGM this month – the one meeting you really should attend!

When you read this we will just have had our normal monthly August business meeting however mid-month the Annual General Meeting of the CCARC takes place. This will be on Saturday 17th. from 1pm – please note this year for the first time the AGM date and time has been set for Saturday rather than the default 3rd. Friday evening in August – this is to make it possible for those who are not able to drive at night to attend.

This meeting is especially important as it is when the people who shape what the club does in the future get elected – the committee. While all decisions are authorised at the monthly business meeting and of course all members can propose actions for the club, the real “driving force” behind the club is the committee of 3 executive and 10 normal members. They’re the ones that make things happen.

The AGM meeting is also the time when changes to the constitution (if required) can be discussed and passed and is also the meeting in the year when we expect the largest turn out of members and so creates a chance to see face to face members you haven’t had contact with for some time.

Please make the extra effort to attend this meeting and think about other members who may not have transport and arrange to pick them up. If you are someone who would like to attend but needs transport, please contact any of the executive and they will see what can be arranged.

Please note, to vote at the AGM or to stand for committee you will need to have paid your membership fees for 2013-2014 (Life members do not need to do this). Details of how you can pay are contained in the “reminders” section at the end  of this edition of CCARC NEWS.

If you wish to stand for committee you and your two sponsors will need to fill out the form you were sent with the AGM notice and get it back to the secretary before 7:30pm on the Tuesday preceding the AGM.


2. Great video introducing Amateur Radio.

“EssexHam – an organisation to promote Amateur Radio in Essex in the UK” produce short videos about AR activities through the year that take place in the county of Essex in the UK. They have just released a video on their web site, their RSS stream and on YouTube that explains Amateur Radio and how to get involved with it, for the general public. Although reflecting the UK licensing structure (which is pretty close to the Australian one in any case) the rest of video is relevant to AR in Australia.

See what you think (I was impressed at the professional production but more at the clarity of the message being given).


3. Projects Group.

What’s happening at the regular Friday night Project & development group meetings?

While we are still looking for a general project for all to complete together individual members are getting on with their own smaller projects.

Col VK2ZCO has now just about finished his remote SWR head and controller.

Jim VK2LC has finished his 23cm amplifier, and presented it to the group a few weeks back.

Rod VK2LAX is in the middle of building a CR-Kits 40m SSB transciever (this was the one that Jim and I built a few months back, so this is slowly becoming a group project with advice and experience being passed on to each new member that decides to build this). Rod also has a small ATU kit for use with portable end-fed half wave antenna in the queue to be built.

I, (Ed, VK2JI) have completed several small portable HF wire antennas have just repaired my HF Linear amplifier (but have yet to test it). I have also just built an RF speech compressor into my FT817ND microphone to give this low power unit a bit more “punch” when using it portable. I have the same ATU kit as Rod, with the first half of it (the SWR sensor) built last night at the club rooms and the second half expected to be completed next Friday. I also have a “K-Bleep” kit for the main stations microphone.

There’s lots of activity within the projects and development group at the moment so why not come along to a projects meeting, bring your own project with you (we have lots of room now with the two large benches at the back of the main room) or come along and discuss a new project for you or perhaps for the whole group.


4. Broke & fixed.

Thankfully all CCARC infrastructure is currently operational.


5. Reminders.

This section lists important announcements and possibly items from previous CCARC NEWS editions that are still current and may need your input:

  1. Remembrance Day contest SUPPORT YOUR CLUBSUPPORT YOUR STATE – please contact Doug VK2MDC if you are able to operate or support the operation of VK2AFY in the Remembrance Day contest from the club rooms on August 17th. or 18th. – the contest runs this year from 1pm to 1pm local time. – how about operating after the AGM?
  2. The CCARC Member Fees for the Year Ending 30 June 2014, set at $35.00, are now due.
    For those members who have paid their 2014 fees, we thank you, for those yet to pay, payment can be made by any of the following:-
    1.Cash Payments to any member of the Executive Committee, who will issue a receipt.
    2.Cheque Payments by Post: Hon. Secretary, CCARC, P.O. Box 238, Gosford, NSW2250
    3.Electronic Funds Transfer to:  Commonwealth Bank Account:. CCARC,   BSB: 062544,  Account: 00901201 (Please use   Call Sign  or Family Name to Identify EFT). Remember you can’t vote at the AGM or any club business meeting unless your dues are paid.
  3. WICEN Meeting (with planning for Shazada) – Saturday 10th. August at 2pm. (BBQ before this meeting)
    The 33rd Shahzada 26th to 30th August 2013
    Held annually in historic St Albans, NSW, Australia.
     Communications support from WICEN CNC, including equipment set-up and take down before and after the event. – Support needed!

Anyone reading this on the website who is not yet a member of the CCARC, please consider joining by emailing ccarc @ ccarc.org.au for full details.

For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website.


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