ISSUE No 13-31 14th. September 2013
In this Issue:
- RT systems PC-Rig interface cables and software.
- You-kits Handheld HF SSB transceiver.
- Help needed for WICEN event on 27th. & 28th. September.
- Broke & fixed.
- Reminders.
1. RT systems PC-Rig interface cables and software.
Dave VK2DLS is about to send off an order to RT Systems for one of their PC-Rig interface cable and software sets. If anyone else in the club is also looking for one, Dave can order it at the same time to save on postage from the US.
The range of cables and software, indicating the PC requirements and the rigs supported can be found on the RT Systems web site at:
If you are interested, please contact Dave in the next few days under the email address vk2dls at
Dave VK2DLS.
2.You-kits Handheld HF SSB transceiver.
Most of us think that the Yaesu FT-817 is probably the smallest commercial 5W portable HF SSB transceiver but as of now we would be wrong. The Chinese “You-Kits” company has released a new hand-held 5w HF SSB transceiver as a built unit, at less than half the price of the 817. It has to be said that it doesn’t cover all the bands nor all the modes that the Yaesu does but if you’re looking for a very portable unit to carry up the next summit you want to activate or to take down to the beach and operate 40, 20 & 15m at US$329 + US$9 shipping it may be worth a look.
3. Help needed for WICEN event on 27th. & 28th. September.
WICEN Central Coast have been asked at short notice to provide safety and management communications for a one-day horse trial event in the St. Albans area. Similar routes to the very successful Shazada event that was held just a few weeks ago, will be used but this event will only be happening from very early on Sunday morning through to Sunday afternoon. This means the WICEN team will need both operators and helpers to set up all of the equipment on Saturday, man radio checkpoints and pack it all up on Sunday afternoon. If you can help please contact Col VK2ZCO via email under colhodg at as soon as possible. Overnight accommodation and catering is being provided by the horse trial organisers.
4. Broke & fixed.
Thankfully all CCARC infrastructure is currently operational.
5. Reminders.
This section lists important announcements and possibly items from previous CCARC NEWS editions that are still current and may need your input:
Doug VK2MDC is looking for operators both for the Oceania DX contest on the 5th. and 6th. of October (at the club rooms) and the Scout’s Jamboree on the Air on the 19th. and 20th. of October (at East Gosford scout hall). Please contact Doug if you can help with either of these events.
The field Day web site is not yet active and will not be found under the old URL. Details about the Wyong Field Day 2014 will appear as part of our normal website when they are ready.
“Freebies” box in club lecture room. Please remember that there’s a large cardboard box at the back of the club lecture room that contains equipment brought in by members that while still being operational is “surplus to requirements” and looking for a new home with other club members. It’s worth a look, the next time you are at the club.
Anyone reading this on the website who is not yet a member of the CCARC, please consider joining by emailing ccarc @ for full details.
For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website.