ISSUE No 14-15 25th April 2014
In this Issue:
- ANZAC Day On Air Activity
- Special prefix for ANZAC Day
- AM and CW on Anzac Day event
- HackRF an open source SDR platform
- Cool Science
- Broke & fixed
- Reminders
1. ANZAC DAY On Air Activity
The Turkey Amateur Radio Society and the WIA have been preparing for the 2015 ANZAC Commemoration. At very late notice Turkey have asked for a trial for this coming ANZAC day.
There are discussions taking place between the WIA Board and the Turkey Amateur Radio Society relating to the 2015 ANZAC Commemoration. During these discussions this week, Aziz their President, suggested that we attempt to establish contact this year as a precurser to the commemoration event next year.
The Turkey Amateur Radio Society provide communication for the Gallipoli site each year.
The following are the arrangements provided by the Turkey Amateur Radio Society overnight. They will operating from this afternoon and dawn on ANZAC day.
Our arrangements for this year will be as following:
HF Data (PSK-31) on 10.140 or 7.042 MHz (+-qrm), callsign is YM1CNK (100W, Deltaloop and/or Vertical)
Echolink: TA2AEO-L (145.575 kHz,CTCSS 88.5 Hz, may qsy to 145.525 if required)
We plan to start activity April 24th afternoon, will notify you by e-mail or Echolink. The event-related activity will start at April 25, 01:27 UTC which is sunrise and the time for our sked.
If you have the facility please attempt to make contact.
Fred Swainston VK3DAC
2. Special prefix for ANZAC Day
All Australian radio amateurs may substitute their VK prefix with AX on ANZAC Day, April the 25th.
The WIA recommends that those who choose the alternative also confirm QSOs using a QSL card with the AX callsign. This also satisfies both prefix and card hunters.
For example, the Hellenic Amateur Radio Association of Australia will have a special event station AX2CL at Bare Island in New South Wales.
Bare Island is in Sydney’s south, near La Perouse, and accessible by a
footbridge. An historic military fort and tunnels there can be visited only
by a guided tour.
Under a permanent agreement the Australian Communications and Media Authority allows the alternative AX callsign prefix to be available on ANZAC Day, Australia Day January 26, and ITU International Telecommunications Day, May 17.
Jim VK3PC From Southgate AR News
3. AM and CW on Anzac Day event
The Tableland Radio Group come up with this idea about 4 years ago after a discussion with an ex Australian Coastwatcher who served in world war 2 – ex SGT Lionel Veale was talking about his use of the transceiver ATR4A which only put out a couple of watts on AM or CW but it was highly successful for military operations.
We thought that, as a lot of the communications in wars is by radio communications, we should use that medium and the old modes as a form of a radio salute to those who served or are serving.
The event commenced 4 years ago and several clubs and groups joined in with ex HMAS Diamintina VK4RAN, ex HMAS Castlemaine VK3RAN plus Amateurs in Northern Queensland and at several locations throughout Australia.
This year, we’ll have both the Diamintina and Castlemaine, North Queensland Amateurs, Lake Boga near Swan Hill, Johnno VK3FMPB at Ballarat Showgrounds, Alan AX5PBZ at Trumby Bay RSL.
Many of those taking place will be operating from ex military radios or old transceivers which are crystal locked.
So we ask that Australian Amateurs join in and make the change to AM and CW on Anzac day – April 25th.
From Southgate AR News
4. HackRF an open source SDR platform
Of possible interest to members HackRF One pre-orders are commencing soon
5. Cool Science
If you have a helium balloon tethered to the floor of a vehicle and the vehicle accelerates, how does the balloon behave?
See the surprising answer here.
No items for Broke & Fixed this week – all CCARC infrastructure is operational.
This section lists important announcements and possibly items from previous CCARC NEWS editions that are still current and may need your input:
CCARC has a 23 cm repeater on trial. Output 1273.400 MHz offset plus 20 MHz. We invite you to use it as much as possible and send Don VK2ZCZ your written (or typed) signal reports.
Our Smoke Signals Editor, Leonie VK2LCP is preparing for the next issue (May) and is asking nicely for articles, photos (any from Field Day would be appreciated). New items are to be sent to: smokesignalseditor at please.
Jaycar Tuggerah & Erina will give CCARC members a trade discount – approx 10% on purchases over $25. Make sure you ask for it. Thanks Rod VK2LAX and Col VK2ZCO.
Anyone reading this on the website who is not yet a member of the CCARC, please consider joining by emailing ccarc at ccarc dot org dot au for full details.
For submissions to this newsletter from CCARC club members please email the editor news-editor at ccarc dot org dot au
For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website.
Dave VK2DLS … News & Publicity Officer …