ISSUE No 15-10 27th March 2015
In this Issue:
- March Lecture: Self Assessment of Your Radio Shack’s EMR Compliance
- ARNSW Trash & Treasure
- For Sale
- ARRLX – World Amateur Radio Day
- WIA – April Digital AR now available for members
- History This Week
- Broke & fixed
- Reminders
1. March Lecture: Self Assessment of Your Radio Shack’s EMR Compliance
The March Lecture will be held on Saturday 28th March 2015, commencing at 1300 hours.
For information on preparing for self-assessment lecture, refer to last weeks newsletter.
Karen Boskos VK2AKB
Lecture Co-ordinator
2. ARNSW Trash & Treasure
The ARNSW Trash & Treasure sale is on at Dural 0930 hrs on Sunday 29th March.
3. For Sale
Yaesu HF rig. FT757GXII. (warc bands). photo copy manual, power leads and hand mic. Also include is a Kenwood MC50 desk mic with plug changed to suit this Yaesu
( impedance not quite right ).
Rig in perfect order, only selling because I’ve upgraded.
Would be a great first rig or for weekends away! $400 for the lot.
Dave VK2FFK 0424 552 024.
4. ARRLX – World Amateur Radio Day
Every year, on the 18th of April, radio amateurs from all over the world celebrate the World Amateur Radio Day.
This year, the ARRLx, Associação de Radioamadores da Região de Lisboa (Amateur Radio Association of the Lisbon Region) will be attending this event from the Castle of São Jorge in Lisbon.
We will be active from 09:00 to 19:00 local time, with our callsign:CS5LX/p, on HF, VHF, UHF, including an ATV station that will give images of what is happening in the Castle.
We invite all hams, in Lisbon and neighboring Counties, to visit us and share with us their experiences and put the callsign on the air.
On the same date also marks the International Day for Monuments and Sites.
More information can be found on our facebook page:
5. WIA – April Digital AR now available for members
Go to this link and start reading: April 2015 AR.
Inside this issue…
• Wire antennas for seaside DXing
• Run by the Sun – a solar powered caravan shack
• My homebrew ‘Combo-Star’ PIC-a-STAR transceiver
• 160/80 metre resonant half-wave 18 end-fed antenna
• The evolution of a multi-band, fan dipole for portable operation
• Past IARU Region 1 President now Mountain Goat
• H.K. Love A3BM/VK3KU
• The ANZAC 100 activities begin
History This Week
A look back at events that made history this week – compiled by the Summerland Amateur Radio Club of Lismore, NSW
Monday, 23 March, 2015
1639 America’s first canal to provide industrial water power was began in Dedham, Mass.
1791 The French National Assembly chose that a metre would be a 1/10 000 000 of the distance between the north pole and the equator.
1792 In Paris, at the place de Grève, the guillotine was used for the first time on a human, highwayman Nicolas Jacques Pelletier.
1821 Bauxite, an aluminium ore, was discovered in southern France near the village of Les Baux by Pierre Berthier
1885 Commercial production began of George Eastman’s flexible, paper-backed photographic film.
1899 Guglielmo Marconi transmitted across the English Channel from Boulogne, France, to Dover, England.
1903 Regular news service began between New York and London on Marconi’s wireless.
1905 The radio fax was patented in the U.S. by Cornelius Ehret of Rosemont, Pennsylvania.
No items for Broke & Fixed this week – all CCARC infrastructure is operational.
This section lists important announcements and possibly items from previous CCARC NEWS editions that are still current and may need your input:
Anyone reading this on the website who is not yet a member of the CCARC, please consider joining by emailing ccarc at ccarc dot org dot au for full details.
For submissions to this newsletter from CCARC club members please email the editor news-editor at ccarc dot org dot au
For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website.
Dave VK2DLS … News & Publicity Officer …