4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500





ISSUE No 15-16 29th May 2015

In this Issue:


  1. Wicen Meeting
  2. ARNSW Trash & Treasure
  3. FreeDV Digital Voice on HF and the SM1000 Embedded Modem
  4. Spectrum Review report released
  5. History This Week
  6. Broke & fixed
  7. Reminders



1. Wicen Meeting


This Saturday, 30 May, at 13:00 WICEN CCR will have a meeting for ‘Quilty’ Endurance Ride

(50th Anniversary event of the Tom Quilty Gold Cup, held June Long Weekend, 6 & 7th June 2015)

Fri 5/6/15 10am Base/Repeater setup; 5pm pre-ride talk; 11.45pm riders at start line
Sat 6/6/15 12am Riders Start
Sun 7/6/15 Riders Finish; 7.30am Volunteers Breakfast
Mon 8/6/15 Base Closed




2. ARNSW Trash & Treasure


The ARNSW Trash & Treasure sale is on at Dural 0930 hrs on Sunday 31st May.




3. FreeDV Digital Voice on HF and the SM1000 Embedded Modem


David VK5DGR spoke at AREG on the 15th of May 2015 about his FreeFV project to get digital voice working on HF and his latest device, the Sm1000 embedded modem that allows FreeDV to be adapted onto almost any radio.




4. Spectrum Review report released


The Department of Communications has released its Spectrum Review Report, recommending replacement of the Radiocommunications Act with a new Act and reforming the current licensing framework into a single licensing system. 

“While the current framework is prescriptive about processes, the new Act would focus on the outcomes that should be achieved through spectrum management,” the report explains. 

In a joint statement, the Minister for Communications, the Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP and the Parliamentary Secretary, the Hon Paul Fletcher MP, said “the report recommends simplifying processes for new and existing spectrum users and increasing opportunities for market-based arrangements, including spectrum sharing and trading”. 

The report’s recommendations cover new legislation, a single licensing system, user involvement in spectrum management, improved compliance and enforcement measures, government spectrum use and spectrum pricing, among others. 

It must be said that the implications for amateur radio licensing and the WIA are far-reaching. 

The report resulted from a review conducted by the Department of Communications in conjunction with the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). Developing the report included extensive stakeholder consultation over 2014. 

The federal Government anticipated that the report would be finalised in the December 2014 to January 2015 timeframe, but it was finally delivered in March. 

The Government is currently considering the report and will respond in due course. Meanwhile, the Department of Communications has invited comments. The WIA will be sending a submission. 

The Spectrum Review Report can be downloaded from this Link 

The press release from the Minister and Parliamentary Secretary can be obtained at this Link


Author : Roger Harrison – VK2ZRH

Source WIA



History This Week


A look back at events that made history this week – compiled by the Summerland Amateur Radio Club of Lismore, NSW

Monday, 25 May, 2015

1818 First steam-vessel to sail Great Lakes launched
1874 T. A. Edison was issued a patent for a device concerning “Automatic Telegraphy and in Perforators Therefor.”
1879 First electric railway opens at Berlin Trades Exposition
1883 T. A. Edison received a series of patents including the “Manufacture of Incandescing Electric Lamps.”
1884 A patent for “flaked cereal” was applied for by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg.
1896 First car accident occurs, Henry Wells hit a bicyclist (NYC)
1919 Oil was struck at England’s first inland oilwell at Hardstoft near Tibshelf, in Derbyshire.
1928 The first U.S. television station WGY began broadcasting regular programs.
1946 Patent filed in US for H-Bomb




The Phone and internet have been restored at Somersby.  The Kariong antennas and mast have been damaged and must be repaired.


This section lists important announcements and possibly items from previous CCARC NEWS editions that are still current and may need your input:

Anyone reading this on the website who is not yet a member of the CCARC, please consider joining by emailing ccarc at ccarc dot org dot au for full details.

For submissions to this newsletter from CCARC club members please email the editor news-editor at ccarc dot org dot au

For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website.

Dave VK2DLS … News & Publicity Officer …


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