4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500




ISSUE No 15-18 12th June 2015

In this Issue:


  1. BBQ / Fundraiser / Wake for Les Poole, VK2APE (SK).
  2. Lecture for June
  3. Dick Smith gets Queens Birthday honour
  4. Software Defined Radio – An Introduction
  5. Radio hams asked for LightSail reports
  6. History This Week
  7. Broke & fixed
  8. Reminders



1. BBQ / Fundraiser / Wake for Les Poole, VK2APE (SK).


Saturday 13th June 2015, from 1130 to 1430 hours.

Central Coast Amateur Radio Club, Central Coast WICEN, and Hunter WICEN will be hosting a BBQ / Fundraiser / Wake for Les Poole, VK2APE (SK).

Location: CCARC Clubrooms, Dandaloo Street, KARIONG.

RSVP to Dan, VK2GG, at vk2gg at bigpond.net.au



2. Lecture for June


The June Lecture will be held on Saturday 20th June 2015, commencing at 1300 hours.

LECTURE on ‘Making Lots of Noise’  by Vic Barker, VK2BTV

 This lecture describes a DIY wide band noise generator.



3. Dick Smith gets Queens Birthday honour


VK2DIKPhilanthropist, businessman, aviator and activist, Dick Smith VK2DIK is now a Companion of the Order of Australia, the highest honour, for his eminent service to the community. He joined the more than 700 Australians who were recognised for their achievements in the Queen’s Birthday honours. 

The 71-year-old began working in a factory, set up a small car radio installation business and eventually created a multi-million dollar retailer, Dick Smith Electronics, which he has sold. Dick has supported a range of humanitarian, social welfare and conservation organisations, medical research and the arts. Describing the new honour, he describes himself as being lucky to have the resources that enabled him to assist people. Among his other awards he was made an Officer of the Order of Australia in 1999, and was Australian of the Year in 1986. 

Dick Smith VK2DIK was Patron of the Wireless Institute of Australia’s 100th Anniversary, including being the major speaker at the annual general meeting in Canberra 2010. The next day he hosted a BBQ at his recreated aero-club property near Gundaroo, New South Wales.


 Author : Jim Linton VK3PC

 Source WIA



4. Software Defined Radio – An Introduction


An introductory overview of Software Defined Radio (SDR) is given by Schuyler St. Leger at Desert Code Camp at Chandler-Gilbert Community College. The hour-long talk covers what SDR is and how it differs from hardware radio, SDR hardware available today, software tools to use with SDR HW, and live demonstrations of how to use SDR.

It’s a young guy (about 13-15?) giving a lecture in his school about SDR, complete with slides etc. Just amazed at this lad. (1 hour long)


Thanks to : Ian – VK2HK



5. Radio hams asked for LightSail reports


Jason Davis @jasonrdavis reports that LightSail, call sign KK6HIT, started deploying its solar sail at 1947 UT on June 7, 2015  

A fully deployed sail would result in LightSail’s orbit decaying rapidly with the satellite burning up in the atmosphere potentially within a matter of days. 

Amateur radio operators around the world are encouraged to listen for LightSail on 437.435 MHz AX.25, 9600 bps FSK and submit data.
Details can be found at http://sail.planetary.org/missioncontrol 

If you wish to try catching a glimpse of LightSail as it soars across the sky there are viewing tips at 

For the latest information follow Jason’s blog and Twitter accounts 

Tracking & Receiving the LightSail CubeSat Video

An image taken by the LightSail CubeSat and downloaded on 437.435 MHz 9600 bps AX.25 packet radio has confirmed the deployment of its Solar Sail 

Solar Sail of LightSail

Source:  Southgate AR News


History This Week


A look back at events that made history this week – compiled by the Summerland Amateur Radio Club of Lismore, NSW

Monday, 8 June, 2015

1178 Proposed time of origin of lunar crater Giordano Bruno
1644 Florentine scientist, Evangelista Torricelli described in a letter the invention of a barometer
1770 Capt Cook runs aground on Australian Great Barrier Reef
1834 Sandpaper patented by Isaac Fischer Jr, Springfield, Vermont
1848 First telegraph link between New York City & Chicago
1848 Samuel F. B. Morse obtained a reissued patent for Morse code.
1849 Gas mask patented by Lewis Haslett, Louisville, Ky
1883 First commercial electric railway line begins operation (Chicago El)
1889 Thomas A. Edison was issued a patent for an “Electrical Distribution System”
1895 The first U.S. patent for a gasoline-driven automobile by a U.S. inventor was issued to Charles E. Duryea




The Kariong antennas and mast have been damaged and are being repaired.


This section lists important announcements and possibly items from previous CCARC NEWS editions that are still current and may need your input:

Anyone reading this on the website who is not yet a member of the CCARC, please consider joining by emailing ccarc at ccarc dot org dot au for full details.

For submissions to this newsletter from CCARC club members please email the editor news-editor at ccarc dot org dot au

For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website.

Dave VK2DLS … News & Publicity Officer …


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