4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500




ISSUE No 15-22 17th July 2015

In this Issue:


  1. New LCD for Amateur Radio
  2. ISS SSTV July 18-19 on 145.800 MHz FM
  3. HamShield for Arduino (VHF/UHF transceiver)
  4. International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend
  5. History This Week
  6. Broke & fixed
  7. Reminders



1. New LCD for Amateur Radio


The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has revised and updated the Licence Condition Determinations (LCD) as expected. 

The changes appear mainly to bring the LCD, or our regulations, in line with changes in the Australian Human Exposure Standard to radio emissions and other, more recent changes. The revised LCD followed the ACMA having a period of consultation. Rather than a major overhaul the ACMA chose at this stage, due to the time-frame and resources, to make only minor necessary changes. 

The WIA will revisit the LCD to address outstanding issues that will be part of a major revision of our regulations. 

The full LCD can be seen via the following Link

Author : Jim Linton – VK3PC

Source: WIA



2. ISS SSTV July 18-19 on 145.800 MHz FM


ARISS SSTV images will be transmitted this weekend from the amateur radio station in the ISS Russian Service Module to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Apollo-Soyuz Mission

40 years ago this week, the historic joint Apollo-Soyuz mission was conducted.  Apollo-Soyuz (or Soyuz-Apollo in Russia) represented the first joint USA-Soviet mission and set the stage for follow-on Russia-USA space collaboration on the Space Shuttle, Mir Space Station and the International Space Station.  

The Soyuz and Apollo vehicles were docked from July 17-19, 1975, during which time joint experiments and activities were accomplished with the 3 USA astronauts and 2 Soviet Cosmonauts on-board.  Apollo-Soyuz was the final mission of the Apollo program and the last USA human spaceflight mission until the first space shuttle mission in 1981.

To commemorate the 40th anniversary of this historic international event, the ARISS team has developed a series of 12 Slow Scan Television (SSTV) images that will be sent down for reception by schools, educational organizations and ham radio operators, worldwide.  The SSTV images are planned to start sometime Saturday morning, July 18 and run through Sunday July 19.  These dates are tentative and are subject to change.  The SSTV images can be received on 145.80 MHz and displayed using several different SSTV computer programs that are available on the internet.

We encourage you to submit your best received SSTV images to:

The ARISS SSTV image gallery will post the best SSTV images received from this event at:

Also, as a special treat, on Saturday July 18 the ISS Cosmonauts will take time out to conduct an ARISS contact with students attending the Moon Day/Frontiers of Flight Museum event in Dallas Texas.  This Russian Cosmonaut-USA Student contact is planned to start around 16:55 UTC through the W6SRJ ground station located in Santa Rosa, California.  ARISS will use the 145.800 MHz FM voice frequency downlink (same as the SSTV downlink) for the Moon Day contact.

For more information on ARISS, please go to our web site:

The ARISS international team would like to thank our ARISS-Russia colleague, Sergey Samburov, RV3DR, for his leadership on this historic commemoration.

[ANS thanks Frank H. Bauer, KA3HDO, ARISS International Chair for the above information]

ISS Slow Scan TV information and links 

Source: Southgate AR News



3. HamShield for Arduino (VHF/UHF transceiver)


Morgan Redfield (KG7OGM), Casey Halverson (KC7IBT), and Nigel Vander Houwen (K7NVH) have created a VHF/UHF HamShield for the Arduino.

The HamShield supports a wide range of VHF and UHF frequencies, covering 3 amateur bands. This includes the 2 meter (144-148 MHz), 1.25 meter (220-225 MHz), and 70 centimeter (420-450 MHz).

They have also written a powerful library to control it, featuring voice modes, packet radio, APRS, SSTV, morse code, and more. You can even write your own code and invent your own digital mode.




 Source: Southgate AR News



4. International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend


This premier annual fun event began in 1995 when the Ayr Radio Group had the Scottish Northern Lighthouse Weekend. The concept proved so popular that it was renamed and opened up to the world.

Always held on the third weekend of August, it has steadily grown to now attract more than 500 lighthouses and lightship from about 50 countries.

The main reason for its popularity is that the weekend is a fun event, held under simple guidelines, and in the spirit of international goodwill.

With four weeks to go 350 registrations have been received. In 2014 there were 544, making it an average 20 a year increase over the last eight years.

In the lead so far is Germany on 64, followed by Australia 58, USA 45 and England 33.

Among the newest are Belgium ON4OS at Lange Nelle, Cuba CO9FAA Los Colorados, Malaysia 9M4LHX St Paul’s Church, Spain EG1LWC Corrubedo and Switzerland HB9FVR at Romanshorn.

If you want to register a marine navigation beacon for August 15-16, then please see the guidelines and online registration on the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend website at www.illw.net


Source: Southgate AR News



History This Week


A look back at events that made history this week – compiled by the Summerland Amateur Radio Club of Lismore, NSW

Monday, 13 July, 2015

1837 Brunel’s S.S. Great Western, an oak-hulled paddle wheel steamship launched.
1869  Margarine is patented in Paris, for use by French Navy.
1877 Thomas Edison invents the Edisonphone, a sound recording device
1897 Guglielmo Marconi received a U.S. patent for a wireless telegraph (No. 586,193).
1907 First taxicab in New York City.
1910 John Duigan makes a short first flight of the first Australian-built aeroplane at Mia Mia, Victoria.
1914  Robert Hutchins Goddard patents a liquid-fuel rocket motor
1935  First automatic parking meter in US installed, Oklahoma City, Ok
1942 Messerschmitt Me 262 Schwalbe, first jet fighter, takes first flight.
1945  First atomic bomb detonated, Trinity Site, Alamogordo, New Mexico




The Kariong antennas have been damaged and are being repaired.


This section lists important announcements and possibly items from previous CCARC NEWS editions that are still current and may need your input:

Anyone reading this on the website who is not yet a member of the CCARC, please consider joining by emailing ccarc at ccarc dot org dot au for full details.

For submissions to this newsletter from CCARC club members please email the editor news-editor at ccarc dot org dot au

For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website.

Dave VK2DLS … News & Publicity Officer …


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