4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500

CCARC NEWS edition 12-04

CCARC NEWS edition 12-04

CCARC NEWS Issue 82_html_m5571d539                         CCARC NEWS


 ISSUE No 12-04

In this edition:

  1. Field day organisation meeting this Friday – do not miss.

  2. Help needed Saturday to put mast and Tri-bander back up.

  3. Last chance to register for education day.

1. Field day organisation meeting – Friday 17th. February 19:30 at club rooms.

Col VK2ZCO asks that all who can be, be present at the club rooms this Friday evening for the final organisation meeting before the big event.

Don’t know what you’ll be doing on Sunday? Come along and find out.

Don’t know what time you need to be there – come along and find out.

2. Club HF antenna / rotator re-installation – Saturday 18th. February 10:00.

The club rotator has now been repaired and is ready to be put back up with the extended mast and the Tri-bander antenna.
As long as we have not had rain on the Friday or Saturday morning, we need at least 8 fit people to be able to re-erect the mast and antenna. We cannot work on the club roof if it is wet, so the final decision for go/no go will be taken in the 8:30am club net on the Saturday morning.

3. Education day – last chance to get on Saturdays course!

If you wish to take your upgrade test or know someone who wishes to take foundation class training and sit the exam, Chris VK2YY is running an education day this coming Saturday (18th. February) from 8:30am.

Please contact Chris directly via email under VK2YYChris at Gmail.com

Also please refer to the *new* education section on the club website.


Past editions of the CCARC NEWS can now be downloaded at


News Broadcasts:

Sunday 09:00 – Westlakes / 09:30 WIA on VK2RTZ 146.775

Sunday10:00 – WIA /10:30 ARNSW on VK2RAG 146.725.

Sunday 19:30 – extended ARNSW News on VK2RAG 146.725

Monday 19:30 – Hunter region / ARNSW on VK2RAG 146.725 (currently not taking place)

News Text (anytime):

WIA http://www.wia.org.au/newsevents/news/2011/index.php

ARNSW http://www.arnsw.org.au/html/news_vk2wi.htm


WIA http://www.wia.org.au/members/broadcast/wianews

ICQPodcast http://www.icqpodcast.com

RSGB http://gb2rs.podbean.com


Club Nets (all welcome):

Saturday     08:30 CCARC  “planning call” on VK2RAG 146.725

Wednesday 20:00 CCARC “foundation net” on VK2RAG 146.725

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