CCARC NEWS Edition 12-16
ISSUE No 12-16 28th. April 2012
In this Issue:
- Sale items from Dave VK2JDH
- CCARC Interactive – Please submit your topics for Wednesday night discussions
- Reminder: Use of club call sign and logging requirements.
- Email addresses on web pages.
- Club QSL cards sought.
- CCARC business meeting this coming Friday 4th. May.
1. Sale items from Dave VK2JDH
From Dave VK2JDH:
Shack clearout
I’m moving so selling some of the stuff I am not taking with me or prefer not to ship. Pickup is from Narara. Can demonstrate working at pickup time. Photos available for some of the gear. Email vk2jdh @ (without spaces) for more info.
ICOM IC 701 , Hand Mike, PS701 Power supply, RC3 Remote control. User Manual, Service Manual. Has the usual 701 issues , Band change sometimes sticks and need the occasional contact cleaner, Up to a couple of hundred Hz off frequency on LSB ( or could be USB can’t remember, not fixable as a previous owner waxed the crystal oscillator slugs ). $200
Kenwood MC 85 desk mike $70
Kenwood TH-D7A Dual band APRS hand held with BC-19 drop in charger with 12V lead (no plugpack) 1 PB39 NiMh battery Good, 1 NiCad needs repacking, User manual (original) Service Manual. $350
Phillips FM 900 2M Remote head , has Gosford , Newcastle and Sydney Repeater and simplex frequencies. $50
Phillips FM91 70cm local head 10 Channels has Gosford , Newcastle and Sydney Repeater and simplex frequencies. $50
Tokyo HL-30U 25W 70cm power amp with preamp , original box, manual Mounting bracket. $100.
Tokyo HL-160V 160W 2M power amp with pre-amp $220
Jumbo HP-45U 70cm power amp 40W or so. $60
2. CCARC Interactive – Topics for this Wednesday’s net
As stated in the last CCARC NEWS John VK2FJKH is happy to set a discussion topic in the weekly CCARC Wednesday night nets. Do you have a topic that you’d like to discuss with fellow amateurs on the club net? Well, here’s your chance to set up one of the topics for discussion for the Wednesday club net on May 2nd. (or later ones) Send your suggestions to netmaster @ (without the spaces). This is also the email address that will be monitored during the Net, starting at 8pm on the clubs 2m repeater, VK2RAG on 146.725MHz. So for those only listening, this is a way to give some feedback, or corrections to what is being said!
Emails are especially welcome from SWLs or those without equipment to transmit, any one that can receive and is interested in Amateur Radio on the Central Coast of NSW, is very welcome to send your suggestions in and if suitable to go on air they will be brought up for discussion.
3. Reminder – use of club call sign and logging requirements.
One difference between a club licence and an individuals licence is that every contact made when using a club call sign MUST be logged, irrespective of band or power. EVERY transmission has to be entered in the log and made available to the ACMA inspectors upon request.
This applies to all three of the club call signs VK2AFY, VK2EH & VK2WFD. Log books for each of these call signs are available in the shack at Kariong.
4. Email addresses on webpages
I have had a query, why I don’t simply write email addresses as they should be rather than typing “dot” where a “.” belongs or “at” in place of “@”. I do this to protect the email owners. Unfortunately there are software “robot” programs on the Internet that scan for email addresses which then can be used to either send spam emails from or to. In either case it causes grief for the email address owner. In this edition I have changed my method to simply adding a space before and after the “@” which is a little easier on the eye and has the same effect of not providing a valid email address to the Internet robot program.
5. CCARC QSL cards.
As those of you looking at the website may have noticed, Greg VK2NGE, our webmaster has installed a very nice feature at the top right of the webpage, displaying QSL cards from stations that we have worked. I am now looking for more of the QSL cards received by any of the club stations, to scan in and add to the website. Do any of the members please know where these are. I am not referring to the collections kindly donated to the club by some members (some now SK), rather the one received for contacts with VK2AFY, VK2EH or VK2WFD.
6. Club business meeting next Friday 4th. May at the club rooms.
Please don’t forget, it’s time for the next business meeting this coming Friday at 7:30pm at the club rooms in Kariong. Guests as always, are very welcome.
CCARC online links
Upcoming events of interest to the CCARC
For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website