Fox Hunt update

I know I know… We’ve covered off Fox Hunts a few times but some information for the day to allow you to prepare including the frequencies!
General rules of the game:
1) Do not be a fool.
2) Members of the Central
Coast Amateur Radio Club (CCARC) will be delegates for the event.
3) Please ensure you follow directions / instructions provided by the officials.
4) Start times, start locations, hunt duration and fox locations are at the discretion of the officials.
5) When you find the small beeping device, as much as you want to throw it after finding its hiding spot. Kindly keep paws off it.
6) Please advise officials monitoring the site / document the time and number written on the fox upon locating.
7) Hunters may work solo or as a crew. If operating as a crew, all players must cram into the same vehicle. (Music playlist choice is up to discretion of the driver)
**Fox Transmitter Frequencies:**
1) Pedestrian Hunt will contain 4 transmitters in consecutive order following the standard VK3YNG sniffer programming.
The Timing will be random, the tones will be random. But will average 15 sec on, 30 sec off.
Keep your ears peeled.
Each Transmitter will have a unique number on it.
Remember this!
1) Pedestrian Multi-Transmitter
Transmitter 1: 145.300Mhz, Transmitter 2: 145.700Mhz, Transmitter 3: 144.250Mhz, Transmitter 4: 146.500Mhz
2) First Mobile / Pedestrian hunt
a. Transmitter 1: 145.300Mhz
3) Final Mobile / Pedestrian Hunt
a. Transmitter 1: 145.300Mhz
b. Transmitter 2: *will be advised on the day*
Specific Rules.
1) Winners will be based on the fastest time completing the hunts and the lowest distance driven. Odometer readings will be taken before and after the end of the final mobile hunt.
CCARC Mayham officials’ decision is final.
2) Liaison frequency will be the VK2RAG 2M 146.725Mhz repeater and VK2RAG DMR on 438.850 MHz Time slot 1 Talk group 9.
Officials will announce information and directions if required via this method. Call out if you require assistance.
3) The foxes are not located on any private property, do not be that person and climb through someone’s fence as a shortcut. We should not need to explain this one.
4) You will be representing amateur radio when active, please respect others space when searching and please be friendly when asked “what are you doing?”
5) During Mobile hunts, Road rules still apply. This is not the Dukes of Hazzard. Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Inc take no responsibility for any altercations / traffic infringements should they be received from participating in this event.
6) The Foxes are transmitters of various size and design operated by CCARC officials. Some may be obvious, others not.