Hours QRP contest
It is hoped that as many as possible club members will take part in either of the two available contests coming up on the 14th. April.
If we have six or more members enter, I will draw up a club table of how well we have done within the club, as long as you send me your log at the same time as sending it into the contest organisers, the VK QRP club. Please remember 5W maximum – this is a friendly QRP contest.
Here are the contest rules:
VK QRP Club CW Operators’ QRP Club Inc.
Sponsored by the CW Operators’ QRP Club Inc. (COQC), the aim of the QRP Hours Contest is to make as many contacts as possible within a one-hour period using your choice of mode. While it is hoped that the event will be strongly supported by COQC members, it is open to all licensed amateur radio operators.
Date / Time: Saturday, 14th April 2012 / 1000-1159 UTC.
Frequency Band: 80m – see Frequency / Mode Table below.
Category: Single Operator.
Modes: CW or PSK31 or RTTY / SSB – see Frequency / Mode Table below.
Power: Preferably 5 Watts, but not more than 10 Watts average (CW / PSK31 / RTTY) or PEP (SSB) at the transmitter output – this is to stress the QRP nature of the event.
Exchange: A three-digit serial number starting at 001 and incrementing by one for each new contact.
Repeat Contacts: No repeats – only one contact per mode per hour.
The contest is divided into two (2) one-hour periods. Modes and frequency sub-bands are allocated to each hour as shown below.
First Hour 1000-1059 CW or PSK31 or RTTY
3.500-3.535 (CW) 3.620-3.630 (PSK31 / RTTY)
Second Hour 1100-1159 SSB
Score one (1) point per contact regardless of mode.
No multipliers apply.
QRP stations can count contacts with QRO stations towards their final score.
Logs must show full details for each QSO, viz. time (UTC), station worked, mode, exchange serial sent, and exchange serial received.
A Summary Sheet showing operator’s call sign, name, address and total points claimed must accompany the Log.
The preferred method of sending the log is email, but entrants must still include their postal address as per the Summary Sheet.
Send Logs and Summary Sheet to the Contest Manager, Mike Dower VK2IG – email: qrphours@exemail.com.au; or snail mail: PO Box 8013, Gundaroo, NSW, 2620.
Emailed logs must be postmarked no later than 2359 AEST on Wednesday, 2nd May, 2012; snail mailed logs must be postmarked no later than Wednesday, 2nd May, 2012.
Feel free to include information about your station and band conditions; and any comments on what you liked, what you’d like to see included or improved, etc.
Certificates will be awarded to the highest scorers in each mode in each VK State or Territory and ZL.