News 01.11.2020
The Clubs held their second successful HF Operating night last Tuesday the 27th of October. The Club would like to thank Adrian VK2ABS, Ryan VK2FRTS, Myles VK2ASS, Jaye VK2FOMG and Brad VK2NMZ for attending with the next evening to be planned an announced soon.
The Clubs next planned outdoor adventure will be held on Saturday the 21st of November in conjunction with the Westlake’s Amateur Radio Club in Newcastle with an afternoon outdoor Picnic at Mount Sugarloaf after the scheduled car boot sale. More details to come soon! If you are interested in attending the next event, please let the club know by contacting them via telephone, via email or via social media platforms.
The clubs monthly general business meeting is to held next week in the clubrooms located at Dandaloo Street in Kariong, this meeting will be made available both in person at the club rooms and online via video / telephone conference. Club members should check their emails for details.
The Clubs next foundation training and assessment day is scheduled to be held on Saturday the 21st and Sunday the 22nd of November.
If you are interested in Obtaining or upgrading your current Amateur licence, Please RSVP to the Club’s education facilitator, Karen VK2AKB. Booking information is on the website, at;
The Club’s Thursday evening net this week was facilitated by Alan VK2MG, the evenings topic was “What is the most surprising thing you have learned in your time in AR?” it was an engaging topic with a number of stations sharing their varying experiences in the hobby. Thank you Alan.
Today marks day 213 or 7 months straight that Bob VK2AOR has facilitated the Morning tea net on the VK2RAG 2 Meter repeater. This week Bob has had stations come in from the United Arab Emirates and Kentucky, USA after reading about Bobs Success in the recent international AR Newsline Article published. The club would like to acknowledge Bob for the enormous effort he has dedicated and continues to receive check-ins from both local and international stations. Thank you, Bob.
Both nets are held on the VK2RAG 2 Metre repeater, 146.725Mhz with a 91.5hz sub audible tone.
You can find out more about the CCARC on the web at; or on Facebook, Twitter and more recently Instagram. just search for Central Coast Amateur Radio Club and give the club a “like” to follow for any updates.
Vice-President, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.