4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500

News 09.08.2020

News 09.08.2020

The club would like to announce that the AMC has approved face to face training & examination sessions.
The club intends to hold a training and assessment weekend over the 16th and 30th of August.
This will be subject to COVID rules. Limited places are available and bookings are essential. Please RSVP to the club’s education facilitator Karen VK2AKB by Friday 14th August.
Booking information is available on the club’s website ccarc.org.au/education

Last weekend, the Club’s Vice President Brad VK2NMZ had the opportunity of introducing the next generation to the wonders of Amateur Radio. Whilst Brad was operating portable at a Park in Sydney, a father and son approached him asking what he was doing. The Father’s 9-year-old son Angus made his very first contact with Alex VK3JX, it sparked curiosity and had Angus frantically spinning the VFO trying to find another station to talk too. Other club members have had similar experiences in the previous few weeks as well. A great example of how we can get new generations interested in joining our hobby. Perhaps you or your club could share some experiences you’ve had?

The Clubs Annual General Meeting is being held on Saturday the 15th of August 2020.
The Annual General Meeting will be available both via face to face on the club premise and via Video Conference and details have been distributed to the club’s mailing list.

Position nomination forms have also been distributed to the club’s mailing list and are also available from the clubrooms. Please ensure electronic nominations are submitted by 12:00 PM Friday the 14th of August.

At Present, Social distancing and COVID safe plan mandates a maximum of 10 occupants within the club’s primary meeting room and 4 occupants within the club radio room

Pending weather, the club will try to accommodate external parties within the undercover area outside via video link, however, space will be limited under the four-square meter rule

At last week’s general business meeting, Club President Jaye VK2FOMG presented Bob VK2AOR with a gift on behalf of the club for his dedication and contribution to the club for hosting the morning tea net for over 100 consecutive days. This was a concept that was formed after the clubs Thursday evening net and has now grown into a significant achievement; At this point, the daily morning nets will still continue, however, this is subject to net control availability.

The Club would like to welcome Honorary member Kent K3NTH from Orlando, Florida.
Kent has been granted Honorary membership to the CCARC for his daily contribution to Bob VK2AOR’s daily morning tea and has gathered quite a following from friends in Florida. Welcome, Kent!

The Club’s Thursday evening net this week was facilitated by Brad VK2NMZ. The topic of the evening was, “Slow Scan Television”

This topic was backing from the recent International Space Station SSTV event where a number of images were broadcast from the ISS. It was an engaging conversation where members discussed the images that were collected over several passes. Some members stayed on afterward and continued to broadcast SSTV images to each other over the 2 Meter frequency.

The Thursday evening net is held on the VK2RAG 2 Metre repeater, on 146.725Mhz; If you’re within range of our repeater, why not drop by?

Remember, you can view the live stream of the Thursday evening net from the club’s Facebook page, or join in via Echo link using the *CCARCNSW* conference server and more recently via IRLP reflector 9509.

You can find out more about the CCARC on the web at www.ccarc.org.au; or on Facebook, just search for Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.

This has been brought to you by
Vice-President, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.

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