News 10.03.2019
The recent Club business meeting was followed by an analysis of the Field Day, and we’ll report upon the results soon. There were some good points raised by attendees, but please be aware that it takes an enormous amount of effort to bring this annual event to you; as always, volunteers to help run this show are always welcome.
Yesterday was a working bee at the Club rooms at the Kariong club rooms to spruce up the place, followed by a safari to the Mt. Somersby site to cut back the feral vegetation and to check the CCTV footage etc.
The next lecture will be by Mark VK2CCR on “Capacitors, inductors, and first order circuits”, next Saturday the 16th; he says that it will not be too technical, so all are invited in order to brush up their knowledge.
The John Moyle Memorial Field Day is on next weekend, and the Club is planning on operating portable from Mt Eliot (close to Gosford) following Saturday’s lecture; again, all Club members are invited.
All meetings of the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club are held at the Club rooms in Dandaloo St, Kariong, just past the fire station. Meetings start at 1pm, preceded by the famous sausage sizzle run by master chef Steve VK2SKC, from noon. The Club rooms are accessible by bus, with a stop just opposite Dandaloo St, serviced by the route 34 bus from Gosford railway station every hour. The Club rooms are usually open from 10.30 am on Saturday, for general chit-chat and access to the Club workshop and library; the Club also conducts Foundation training on an as-required basis.
The Club relays VK2WI News broadcasts every Sunday morning and evening. Callbacks are taken after the morning news only, on the Somersby 6 and 2m repeaters VK2RAG on 53.725 and 146.725 MHz respectively; please note that both repeaters require the standard sub-audible tone of 91.5 Hz.
The Club also runs a mixed-mode repeater VK2RAG on 439.950 MHz, which is connected to the P25 network; a 91.5 Hz tone is required for analogue access, and is highly recommended for receiving.
There is a net held every Thursday on the 2m repeater VK2RAG on 146.725, starting at 8pm; all members are encouraged to join (especially if Club news for the ARNSW broadcast is involved). There is also an experimental HF net on 80m, but it is difficult to find a free frequency so it will be announced on the VHF net. Club news is happily accepted at “”, preferably by 12 noon on Friday. Listeners may “join” the net by email to “” and their comments will be read out.
The Club also has a Facebook page: just look for “centralcoastarc”, so be sure to “like” it. There is also a Twitter account on @ccarclub, and a YouTube channel of the weekly streaming world-wide via several modes which is proving to be quite popular, especially with Amateurs both interstate and overseas. The Club is contemplating a new motto: “Making Amateur Radio Great Again”…
Further information about the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club can be found on the web site
— Dave VK2KFU, Publicity Tart, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club