4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500

News 21.03.2021

News 21.03.2021

The club wishes to announce the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club “Mayham” event will be held on Sunday the 30th of May 2021 at Wyong Race Course. For the patrons who have attended the Wyong Field Day for many years, It’s the same event, but with a fresh date and new name. For those are looking to attend, be a trader or exhibitor, please email the team at mayham@ccarc.org.au.

For the latest up to date news and information regarding this event, please check out the Mayham website at www.mayham.org.au and social media.
Last Saturday at the clubrooms Brad VK2NMZ dragged along his ever-growing portable operations kit to look at ideas on refining and simplifying the setup. We’re sure all SOTA operators have gone through the stage of a small bag to now needing a hiking back pack to hold the array of antennas and batteries for their “go-kit”

So, the question to listeners today is “what amateur radio rabbit hole have you discovered?
The club would love to hear your thoughts!

The club will be holding education, training and examination sessions on the 27th and 28th of March. If you are interested in obtaining your licence or upgrading your existing licence, please reach out to the club’s education facilitator Karen VK2AKB at education@ccarc.org.au

On the same day, club members will be at the Westlake’s Amateur Radio Club car boot sale on Saturday the 27th March with a van load of items available for purchase. The club would like to thank Westlake’s ARC for putting on the event.

The Club’s Thursday evening net this week was hosted by Brad VK2NMZ with a discussion about “creative antennas and what have you made radiate?” There were discussions of disused powerlines, Metal Slinkys and even using a large gumtree! Brad also spoke about the upcoming John Moyle Memorial Field Day weekend and the likely hood of some members heading out camping for the event, however, with the current weather conditions there are very high chances of this coming to a grinding halt.

Adrian VK2ABS will be hosting a Slow Scan Television net next Friday the 277h of March on the VK2RAG WICEN 2 Meter Repeater 147.125Mhz. Adrian is looking at re-visiting the structure and how often the net is run and would love to hear your feedback, please reach out to the club directly with suggestions or feedback at ccarc@ccarc.org.au.

Bob VK2AOR and Dave VK2KFU continue with the clubs Morning Tea net during the weeks with check ins still coming in strong. A huge thanks go out to Bob and Dave for running the nets, what started out as something small, has now successfully been running for 12 months. Wow!

Both nets are held on the VK2RAG 2 Metre repeater, 146.725Mhz with a 91.5hz sub audible tone and available via Echolink using CCARCNSW conference server or IRLP node 9509.

Speaking of Echolink, for those who use the software, after a 14-year break, the developers of Echolink have released an updated version with numerous new features. You can find out more by visiting www.echolink.org

Club Members Brad VK2NMZ and Jaye VK2FOMG activated special event station callsign VI100AF on the Friday and Saturday just past on SSB HF bands.

The club looking for more operators to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the RAAF in June 2021 for a weekend activation. This is a great opportunity to get out on the bands and share in celebrating this momentous occasion portable or otherwise. If you are interested in participating, please reach out to the club directly.

You can find out more about the CCARC on the web at www.ccarc.org.au; or Search for Central Coast Amateur Radio Club on social media platforms to find us. Remember to give the club a “like” to follow for any updates.

Vice-President & Publicity, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.

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