4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500

News 22.12.2019

News 22.12.2019

News from the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club 22nd December 2019

The Wyong field day preparations are full steam ahead, remember to lock Sunday 23rd of February into your diaries. We have received plenty of interest for car boot sales, commercial traders and exhibitors. Remember there are no reserved spaces for boot sales and it is first come first serve, Gates open for traders at 6:00AM and general public at 8:30am.

The CCARC will be providing examination and license upgrade facilities on the day, to register interest, please email the clubs education officer at education@ccarc.org.au. For more information on what is happening, head over to www.fieldday.org.au

The club is continuing to work on implementing a DMR 70cm repeater.
If you happen to have spare parts for a Tait T800, the club is interested in hearing from you.

We’re taking a small break from Thursday evening nets until the new year. Not local to the VK2RAG repeater? That’s okay, the club holds a net each Thursday evening from 8 PM on the VK2RAG 2 Meter repeater. This repeater is now linked to both Echo link and IRLP.

Normally on Thursday evenings you can find the clubs repeater connected to Echolink conference server “CCARCNSW” or VK2RAG-R / Node 7060 at any other time. Alternatively, IRLP node 6060. Just make sure to disconnect the node when you have finished. Listeners can also watch the net by checking into the live Facebook video stream each Thursday evening or by emailing “netmaster@ccarc.org.au” and their comments will be read out. A big thanks goes to Alan VK2MG for providing streaming assistance.

Are you more of a packet radio operator? there is a packet radio BBS on 147.600 MHz, as VK2EHQ; it can also be accessed via the digipeater VK2RAG-1.

The CCARC is seeking interest from surrounding clubs for a collaboration workshop on ideas and concepts surrounding the overall Amateur Radio Hobby. If your club is interested, please email the club at ccarc@ccarc.org.au

You can find further information about the CCARC by visiting www.ccarc.org.au. The club is also active on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Simply search for “Central Coast Amateur Radio Club” and remember to give them a like and follow to keep up to date on the latest happenings.

Club related news is happily accepted at “publicity@ccarc.org.au”,

The Central Coast Amateur Radio club is located in Dandaloo street Kariong, Just past the fire station. The clubrooms open from around 10:30am each Saturday with meetings kicking off at 1:00 PM

— This news has been brought to you by Brad VK2NMZ, Vice-President, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club

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