News 23.05.2021

With only 1 week to go till “Mayham” at Wyong Racecourse, there are some important things for you to know before the day. On Saturday the 29th of May there will be a short Pedestrian taster along with 2 Mobile fox hunts beginning at approximately 1pm.
Please stay tuned on the VK2RAG 2-meter repeater for exact details on the day with muster point being the Wyong Commuter Carpark in Rose Street. There will also be an informal dinner at 6:30 PM on the Saturday evening at the Grand Hotel in Wyong, This location also accepts dine and discover vouchers. On the Sunday Morning, Traders, Exhibitors and Car Boot sales entry will begin from 6:00 AM to allow sufficient time to set up and prepare for the day.
Please note that sales performed prior to the official opening time are prohibited as it is not fair for those attending on the day and you may be asked to exit the venue.
General Public Entry will be via the Rose Street Entrance with Gates open at 8:30 AM. Entry Pre-sales will begin at approximately 7:30 AM. General Public entry is $15 and Car boot sale entry begins at $30.
Entry to the event is strictly cash only, and there are no eftpos or ATM facilities available at the entry gates.
For the patrons who have attended the Wyong Field Day for many years, it is the same event, but with a fresh date and new name. For those who are looking to attend, be a trader or exhibitor, please email the team at
You can check out all the latest updates on the Mayham website at as well as updates in future VK2WI bulletins.
There are several candidates sitting their foundation, standard and advanced examinations at the Mayham event today. If you are interested in obtaining your licence or upgrading your existing licence, please reach out to the club’s education facilitator Karen VK2AKB at
The Club has made a change to repeater operations at VK2RAG, to conserve power coming into the winter months. Between the hours of 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM EST The only repeater services that will be available is the 2 Meter 146.725 MHz and the 2 meter 147.125 MHz and 70cm 438.800 MHz WICEN repeaters
For those digitally inclined, the VKDMR repeater in conjunction with ARNSW Radnet available on 438.850 MHz is also not impacted by these changes.
The next Slow Scan Television net on Friday the 4th of June at 7:30 PM on the 147.125 MHz 2 Meter WICEN Repeater.
If you have any feedback regarding this net, please reach out to the club directly with suggestions or feedback at,
Bob VK2AOR and Dave VK2KFU continue with the clubs Morning Tea net every day. Whilst some check ins are starting to lighten up with many returning back to their workplace, the boys still continue to push through. A huge thanks go out to Bob and Dave for running these nets, it sure brightens up everyone’s day.
Both nets are held on the VK2RAG 2 Metre repeater, 146.725Mhz with a 91.5hz sub audible tone and available via Echolink using CCARCNSW conference server or IRLP node 9509.
The club looking for more operators to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the RAAF. This is a great opportunity to get out on the bands and share in celebrating this momentous occasion portable or otherwise. If club members are interested in participating, please reach out to the club directly.
You can find out more about the CCARC on the web at; or Search for Central Coast Amateur Radio Club on social media platforms to find us. Remember to give the club a “like” to follow for any updates.
Vice-President & Publicity, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.