News 23.08.2020
The Club has resumed in-person training and examination session, having received approval from the AMC. A full house-training session was held last week at the clubrooms, with an assessment date set for the 30th of August. Due to popular demand, a second and now third training day has been scheduled for Saturday the 29th of August and Saturday the 17th October with a further assessment date set for the 18th of October. With limited places available, bookings are essential; RSVP to the Club’s education facilitator, Karen VK2AKB. Booking information is on the website, at;
The club will be hosting a trip to Mount Elliot VK2/HU-093 on the 29th of August. With many having been surrounded by the same 4 walls as of late; some open space, minimal QRM, and the odd long path DX station can be good for one’s health and wellbeing. There might even be a Pedestrian fox hunt, weather permitting of course!
If you are an avid portable operator, this would be a fantastic opportunity to show others your portable setup, maybe even some side by side comparisons between different radios?
If you are interested in attending, please email the club at, contact the club via Facebook or call the club rooms on 02 4340 2500 and leave a voice message
There is an Amateur Radio International Space Station event occurring tomorrow evening at 7:30 PM. The ISS will be making contact with students from a Brisbane based technology school, this event will be broadcast live over the clubs VK2RAG 2 Meter repeater, and will also be streamed via the club’s Facebook page. This will be a fantastic opportunity to hear how the ISS team interacts with the students and will be quite interesting, Please note this will be the audio feed only and there will not be any interaction with members on board the space station.
The Club’s Thursday evening net this week was facilitated by Alan VK2MG, The evening topic was “what other interests have you successfully (or otherwise) combined with your radio interest?” It was wonderful to hear stories of complex SDR setups, to integrating Amateur Radio into one’s day to day work, and on a very side topic, one station spoke about their brief experience with glass blowing! (Now imagine if you could casually blow your own Nixie tubes / valves!)
The Thursday evening nets are on the VK2RAG 2 Metre repeater, 146.725Mhz; If you’re within range of our repeater, why not drop by? You also join via EchoLink using the *CCARCNSW* conference server, and you can view the live stream on the club’s Facebook page.
You can find out more about the CCARC on the web at; or on Facebook, just search for Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.
Vice-President, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.