News 26.04.2020
Due to the current health pandemic spreading across the nation and advice received by the Crown lands department, access to the clubrooms are closed and all future face to face activities are on hold until further notice.
The club’s executive team are currently working on a solution for alternate means to host business meetings.
Work continues in the background with the clubs Brandmeister DMR repeater and there is now an interlinked for VK DMR Talk Group 3810. Please program in TG50510 Time Slot 1 into your code plug.
This is especially useful for the WICEN daily net at 9:00 AM.
Speaking of DMR, The Club will soon be adding a VK-DMR based repeater system. Watch this space!
The Club wishes to thank those that submitted their expression of interest for the MMDVM build day. E-mails have been sent out to those who expressed their interest for final details.
CCARC club member Jim VK2EWI is currently over in France and had made contact with CCARC members via 40 Meter HF using France local callsign F4WBZ and had managed to arrive in the country only a short time before restrictions had been implemented. The club sends its regards.
The Club has set a tentative date of Sunday the 28th February for the 2021 Wyong Field Day So mark that down into your calendars.
The Club hosts a Morning Tea net at 10:00 AM each day. Grab a cuppa and come along for a chat. We would like to thank Bob VK2AOR for facilitating this. The club also runs a weekly Thursday evening net starting at 8:00 PM.
Both nets are available via the VK2RAG 2 Meter repeater 146.725. Do you have a suggestion for the clubs next weekly net topic or a burning question? Feel free to leave a comment on the club’s Facebook page or reach out to the club via email.
Remember, you can view the live stream of the Thursday evening net from Facebook, watch later on the clubs YouTube channel or join in via Echo link using the *CCARCNSW* conference server.
You can find out more about the CCARC on the web at
Vice-President, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.