News 29.11.2020
Last week the club attended the Westlakes Amateur Radio Club carboot sale and would like to advise the club still has a large amount of equipment available for purchase to those interested, If you do require any test equipment or components, please reach out to the club directly.
Last weeks foundation training and examination session took place and saw a number of candidates sit for their licences, the feedback received has been incredibly positive and Kudos go to the clubs education facilitator Karen VK2AKB for single handily facilitating these sessions. Best of luck to Heath, Roger, Catherine, Paul, Robert and Stephen who eagerly await the exam results.
The club is planning to hold another education and training day in early 2021. If you are interested, Please email
The Club is in planning mode for the upcoming 2021 Wyong Field Day. Lock the date into your calendar’s folks, Sunday the 28th of February, Subject to Government health advice. Updates will be provided as progress continues. For up to date information, please check out the club’s website.
The Clubs repeater team have been busy preparing for the rollout of a VK-DMR based repeater which is close to being installed to the Central Coast region, It might be a good time to revisit your DMR Code plugs and Program in 438.850 MHz with 7.0mhz offset with VK-DMR talk groups.
The Club’s Thursday evening net this week was facilitated by Alan VK2MG, the evenings topic was “With Summer coming on, do you have any plans with an amateur radio focus” Many stations spoke about a wanting to get more involved into the outdoors and finish off some long awaited antenna builds. A big thank you to all the stations that participate in the net both locally and interstate.
Are you interested in Packet Radio? A reminder that the Club has a digipeater VK2RAG-1 which connects to VK2EHQ and is available via 147.600Mhz.
The club will be holding a Christmas luncheon on the 12th of December and all club members are welcome, To Ensure COVID compliance, If you wish to attend, Please reach out to the club directly.
Today marks day 240 that Bob VK2AOR has facilitated the Morning tea net on the VK2RAG 2 Meter repeater. The club would like to acknowledge Bob for the enormous effort he has dedicated and continues to receive check-ins from both local and international stations.
Both nets are held on the VK2RAG 2 Metre repeater, 146.725Mhz with a 91.5hz sub audible tone.
You can find out more about the CCARC on the web at; or Search for Central Coast Amateur Radio Club on social media platforms to find us. Remember to give the club a “like” to follow for any updates.
Vice-President & Publicity, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.