4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500

News 30.08.2020

News 30.08.2020

The Club has resumed in-person training and examination session, having received approval from the AMC. A full house-training session was yesterday at the clubrooms, with assessments for all candidates happening today. Last week the club announced a 3rd assessment weekend for the 3rd of October, Due to circumstances, this has been moved to Saturday the 17th of October with assessments to be held on Sunday the 18th. With limited places available, bookings are essential; RSVP to the Club’s education facilitator, Karen VK2AKB. Booking information is on the website, at; ccarc.org.au/education.

The club hosted an outdoor activity to Mount Elliot VK2/HU-093 yesterday. It was a quite a large turnout with a highlight of Matt VK2FABR having his first QSO on 40 Meters. We even had a visit by Colin VK2JCC with his Clansman PRC-320, What an incredible unit that is! All in all, it was a very successful day and the club looks forward to hosting another outing in the future.

The club rebroadcasted the Amateur Radio International Space Station event last on Monday evening over the clubs VK2RAG 2 Meter repeater, and via the club’s Facebook page. Despite some audio quality constraints from the feed, it was incredible to hear the school students interact with Chris Cassidy KF5KDR. The club thanks Bob VK4ADA and John VK3HJQ for making this stream possible.

A reminder that the clubs General business meeting is held next Saturday at 13:00 both at the clubrooms and via online conference facilities. As always, Our Resident Iron Chef Steve VK2SKC will be cooking up a storm on the BBQ from about 12:00 PM.

The Club’s Thursday evening net this week was facilitated by Brad VK2NMZ, the evenings topic was “Are you coming to Mount Elliot?” Many of the stations who came in expressed their interest in attending with discussions of their portable go-kits, ongoing projects involving 40 Meter Magnetic loop antennas utilising stepper motors controls from an old computer document scanner to one-member spending time re-fitting and filing the nuts on their new guitar.

The Thursday evening nets are on the VK2RAG 2 Metre repeater, 146.725Mhz; you can also join via Echolink using the *CCARCNSW* conference server, and you can view the live stream on the club’s Facebook page.

Club member Bob VK2AOR continues to host the morning tea net daily on the clubs 2m repeater and is as strong as ever running consecutively for over 150 days. The Club thanks bob for his continued efforts with hosting the net.

You can find out more about the CCARC on the web at ccarc.org.au; or on Facebook, just search for Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.

Vice-President, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.

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