4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500

News 31.01.2021

News 31.01.2021

The Clubs executive team have been monitoring the ongoing health situation within the Central Coast area and are happy to announce that the CCARC rooms will be reopening for general access and face to face meetings.
The first general business meeting is scheduled for Saturday the 6th of February at 13:00.

With the Clubrooms back open last week, it was spent hands on getting back in touch with the experimental side of Amateur Radio along with a practical demonstration of wave forms, signals and how to translate them on an oscilloscope.

The Team wishes to advise the 2021 Wyong Field Day is still scheduled to go ahead.

Please keep in mind that this event is subject to Government health advice which the team are monitoring closely and a final announcement will be made next week.

For the latest information, please check out the club’s website and Social Media platforms.

Last week the club announced that the club’s youngest member Adrian VK2ABS would be holding a Slow Scan Television net on the clubs 70-centimetre repeater 438.075 MHz and the club is happy to announce that this was a success. This was the first net that Adrian hosted and safe to say, he nailed it! There were multiple stations dropping by and transmitting their images. Congratulations to Adrian. The next net will be held on Friday the 12th of February at 7:30 PM.

The Club wishes to advise of some temporary changes to repeater availability for a short period of time whilst maintenance is carried out. The P25 439.950 MHz mixed mode repeater, the 2 Meter 146.6375 MHz and 70cm 438.325 MHz D-Star system is currently off air. In the interim P25 & D-Star services will be available via the 438.875 MHz MMDVM repeater.

Speaking of Repeaters, A VK-DMR based repeater in conjunction with the ARNSW Radio Network Group is available on the Central Coast! The repeater is accessible on 438.850 MHz with a negative 7.0mhz offset with VK-DMR based talk groups.

The Club’s Thursday evening net this week was hosted by Alan VK2MG. Given some experiences Alan had going portable on Australia day, the topic was: “Do you have a radio related horror or otherwise funny story?”
Many stations resonated the same story of travelling long distances and leaving key components back at their QTH. The takeaway here is to have a check list in your go-kit and check it frequently!

Bob VK2AOR and Dave VK2KFU have been mixing it up during the week with the clubs Morning Tea net. Bob will be hosting the net on Monday, Wednesday and Friday with Dave VK2KFU hosting on Tuesdays and Thursdays. with Dave’s experience facilitating nets along with his own spin on “This Day in History” it is a very enjoyable net to be involved with, A huge thanks go out to Bob and Dave for running the nets, it’s greatly appreciated.

Both nets are held on the VK2RAG 2 Metre repeater, 146.725Mhz with a 91.5hz sub audible tone. Echolink & IRLP is currently unavailable due to a hardware issue but the repeater team is working on it.

You can find out more about the CCARC on the web at ccarc.org.au; or Search for Central Coast Amateur Radio Club on social media platforms to find us. Remember to give the club a “like” to follow for any updates.

Vice-President & Publicity, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.

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