D-Star Repeaters
Central Coast Amateur Radio Club – D-Star Repeater information.
VK2RAG C 146.6375Mhz Voice -600 KHz
VK2RAG B 438.325Mhz Multimode -7 MHz
D-Star Repeater changes
Our D-Star repeater has gone through a recent change, as well as still being able to link to everything it has done in the past, it can now link to Non-USTRUST reflectors and gateways, also until further notice I have removed all automated Linking and Unlinking from the Gateway, so please make sure that once you have linked to another gateway/reflector you unlink when finished, once the system has been tested with the new software installed then this will be reviewed.
Linking to a reflector or gateway has not changed, so if you want to link to “REF001 port C” in the UR or YourCall field of your radio you will enter REF001CL then PTT once linked you go back to CQCQCQ, but now you can also link to XRF reflectors so in the UR or YourCall field of your radio for say “XRF016 port A” enter XRF016AL and then PTT, again once linked go back to CQCQCQ.
Linking and Unlinking by DTMF
Another add-on has also been done but I am still in the process of getting this one going at the moment, but it is DTMF Linking/Unlinking, I will only have a few available links added for a trial, but using DTMF you will be able to “PTT” 99 this will give you current status of the repeater channel you are on, “PTT” *00101 is REF001 Port A, *00102 is REF001 port B, *00103 port C. Now hopefully you can see where this is going the ” * ” is for the USTRUST Refectors and the first 3 digits are for the reflector number so 001 will be reflector 1, then the next 2 digits represent the ALPHABET location, so 01=A, 02=B, 03=C etc, now for the Non-USTRUST Reflectors, such as XRF and DCS, they are different the XRF will have ” # ” then the 5 digits, so XRF016 C would be #01603.
Unlinking using DTMF will be as simple as “PTT” 73. Once I am happy it works I will set up all of them then post a link to a list of what they are.
There are 2 new reflectors added to the Dstar Network and they are controlled from Australia, they are xrf666 and dcs028, these 2 reflectors could be linked to a starnet group at any time. You can connect to either of these reflectors from the VK2RAG Dstar Repeater
The Dashboard has changed a bit and you can view the changes by using the Dashboard link below.
If you find problems please email me at, ian at vk2hk dot com.
D-Star Dashboards
Check for activity by clicking on the following links.
D-Star registration
If you need to register your call sign for use on D-Star, please follow this link,
D-Star Registration
If you’re new to D-Star, this “D-Star for dummies” site and the PDF manual there may help you get started: https://sites.google.com/site/codsnet/dsdummy Direct link to manual (PDF file): https://sites.google.com/site/codsnet/Resources/D-StarforDummies%28ReferenceEdition%294.0.pdf?attredirects=0&d=1
D-Star “calculator” – work out what the command needs to be to link to that remote repeater or reflector etc:
D-Star training material from dayton: