4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500

News 08.11.2020

News 08.11.2020

The Clubs in conjunction with WICEN Central Coast will be holding a lecture on the 14th of November focusing on the digital mode JS8Call which is a fantastic system to facilitate message passing in times of challenging conditions.

The Clubs next planned outdoor adventure will be held on Saturday the 21st of November in conjunction with the Westlake’s Amateur Radio Club in Newcastle with an afternoon outdoor Picnic at Mount Sugarloaf after the scheduled car boot sale. More details to come soon! If you are interested in attending the next event, please let the club know by contacting them via telephone, via email or via social media platforms.

The Club is in field day fever, with planning for the 2021 Wyong Field Day in motion.

Subject to health conditions and restrictions, the tentative date for the field day will be Sunday the 28th of February 2021.

The clubs monthly general business meeting was held yesterday which was a bumper of a meeting with many items discussed. The club would also like to welcome Peter VK2FALF and David VK2NU whose membership was passed through and approved by unanimous vote from club members.

The Clubs next foundation training and assessment day is scheduled to be held on Saturday the 21st and Sunday the 22nd of November.

The classroom has now reached capacity and the club is in the works of planning the next education and assessment weekend for 2021.

The Club’s Thursday evening net this week was facilitated by Brad VK2NMZ, the evenings topic was “Radio Experimentation – Is it still alive?” and wow! The responses received were incredible. One key callout is the clubs youngest member who is still in High school – Adrian VK2ABS has built all of his own antennas and are top performers with very low SWR across the board on his first try  One member spoke about his enjoyment of building add on components for his portable operations including audio filters and one member re-telling his experiences of transporting a number 19 wireless set home on the train and to this day still loves experimenting with building antennas. A fantastic topic and the consensus you ask? Is experimentation still alive? Absolutely it is!

Today marks day 220 that Bob VK2AOR has facilitated the Morning tea net on the VK2RAG 2 Meter repeater. The club would like to acknowledge Bob for the enormous effort he has dedicated and continues to receive check-ins from both local and international stations. Thank you, Bob.

Both nets are held on the VK2RAG 2 Metre repeater, 146.725Mhz with a 91.5hz sub audible tone.

You can find out more about the CCARC on the web at ccarc.org.au; or on Facebook, Twitter and more recently Instagram. just search for Central Coast Amateur Radio Club and give the club a “like” to follow for any updates.

Vice-President, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.

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