News 13.09.2020
Last week the club held its monthly general business meeting, during this meeting the executive committee put forward the importance of a secretary to the club members. The Club would like to announce that Myles VK2ASS has accepted the position of Club Secretary and the rest of the executive team looks forward to working closely with him. Brad VK2NMZ has fulfilled the role of Publicity and Henrick VK2FTDR has taken the role managing the club’s newsletter publication smoke signals, and if the previews that have been seen are anything to go by, it is very impressive. for club members – Keep your eyes peeled, a new smoke signals newsletter is on its way!
The club is seeking expressions of interest for a HF operating night within the CCARC club rooms. This will primarily be focused towards foundation licence holders and those just coming into the hobby as well as those who may not have the capability to operate on HF frequencies at their QTH. If you are interested, please contact the club directly via telephone or email, details are available on the club’s website.
The Club will be hosting another outdoors even on Saturday the 17th with a final destination to be determined.
The Club will be hosting a training and assessment day at the club rooms on Saturday the 17th of October, with assessments to be held on Sunday the 18th. With limited places available, bookings are essential; RSVP to the Club’s education facilitator, Karen VK2AKB. Booking information is on the website, at;
The Club’s Thursday evening net this week was facilitated by Brad VK2NMZ, the evenings topic, much like many other clubs this week was “The FM cross band repeater on the ISS and have you worked it?” Many stations both within VK and overseas shared similar experiences of pile-ups and getting the occasional clear contact through. If you are interested in working this satellite, simply set your radio to 145.990 MHz with a 67Hz subtone for transmit and 437.800 MHz for receive, please note this does not take into account for doppler effect.
Club member Bob VK2AOR continues to host the morning tea net daily on the clubs 2m repeater and is as strong as ever running consecutively for over 5 months now. Bob receives check-ins from both local and international stations. What a mammoth effort and the Club thanks Bob for his continued efforts with hosting the net.
Both nets are on the VK2RAG 2 Metre repeater, 146.725Mhz with a 91.5hz sub audible tone.
You can find out more about the CCARC on the web at; or on Facebook, just search for Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.
Publicity and Vice-President, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.