4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500

NEWS 29.08.2021

NEWS 29.08.2021

With the current government health orders extended, the clubrooms will remain closed for access until further notice. The club continues to monitor the ongoing public health situation are hopeful the doors can reopen again soon.

The club’s new executive team are still catching their breath and handing over from the previous committee and will continue to drive the ongoing projects and initiatives.

A reminder that the club’s general business meeting will be held next Saturday at 1300 hours via the Google meet online platform as well as telephone conference dial in. This meeting will have a large agenda with several topics of discussion. Information on how to join has been distributed to members via email. If you have not received this and wish to obtain the details, please email the club, or call on 02 4340 2500 and leave a voicemail message.

The daily morning tea net continues, and the club would like to thank Bob VK2AOR and Dave VK2KFU for their amazing efforts. With stay-at-home orders expanding to now include the Hunter region, it is a terrific way to get to know your fellow operators. This weeks shout out goes to Brad VK2ITA, for dropping by daily and will soon be diving into the world of DMR. A massive thanks go out to Bob and Dave for running these nets, you will be sure to learn a little piece of history each day.

A reminder that the club’s Brand Meister DMR repeater is currently offline due to an unknown power related fault. And the Echolink and IRLP systems remain offline, and the team hope to have this returned soon once travel restrictions have eased. A note that D-Star and VK-DMR repeaters are fully functional.

Yesterday and today, Karen VK2AKB, Peter VK2EHQ, Jaye VK2QRZ and Brad VK2NMZ are representing the club operating as VK100AF under all modes and all bands available to them. Make sure you keep an ear out!

The club wishes to not only thank the crew for the hours behind the seats but also to the 50 plus Amateur Radio operator across all Australian states and territories  who volunteered their time over the last few months to contact as many stations around the world as possible. You can find more information by checking out the VI100AF and VK100AF QRZ pages.

You can find out more about the CCARC on the web at www.ccarc.org.au; via telephone on 02 4340 2500 or Search for Central Coast Amateur Radio Club on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to find us. Remember to give the club a “like” to follow for any updates.


Publicity, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.

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