4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500

News 31.05.2020

News 31.05.2020

With a number of venues reopening in New South Wales tomorrow and access restrictions easing, this club, as well as others still do not have the go-ahead.

The clubs executive committee are in close communication with other surrounding clubs to manage a scaled re-opening plan.

Have you observed some unfamiliar sounds on 40 meters? You might have been hearing some operators experimenting in Spectrum Painting.
If you haven’t heard of this, operators use various pieces of computer software to paint an image onto a spectrum waterfall. You can find more information about this on the web.

The club’s executive team have been in discussions with surrounding clubs on future collaboration initiative’s placing a key focus on how amateur radio is perceived today amongst the community and would love to hear from other clubs within Australia who may be interested.

Did you know the Clubs education facilitator Karen VK2AKB is an AMC Level 3 assessor and the club has the capability to perform remote assessment sessions? If you are interested, please reach out to by emailing education@ccarc.org.au

With many club members spending more time at their QTH, we’re hoping that club members have been able to do some work on that long-standing project. The Clubs Website Admin Henrick VK2FTDR would love to have a few photos and a small write up for the club’s future publications.

The club wishes to say a special thanks to Bob VK2AOR for hosting an “Are you okay” net at 10:00 AM each day. This has been an incredible initiative and Bob receives an average of 15 check-ins each day from stations both local and afar. Today will be day 59 of this net now Absolutely amazing!

If you’re within range of our repeater, why not drop by? Check ins are also welcomed via the clubs Echolink & IRLP services.

The clubs Thursday evening net continues successfully at 8:00 PM with varying topics of discussion. This week the topic was “What memory banks or talk groups do you most use in your shack?”
The club has numerous stations checking in from interstate and even overseas. A mention this week goes to Dwayne N9ZIV who checks in each week via Echolink.

Remember, you can view the live stream of the Thursday evening net from the clubs Facebook page, join in via Echo link using the CCARCNSW conference server or even watch later on the clubs YouTube channel.

Both nets are available via the VK2RAG 2 Meter repeater 146.725Mhz

You can find out more about the CCARC on the web at ccarc.org.au or the clubs Facebook page, just search for Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.

Vice-President, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.

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