News 02.12.2018
There will be a combined CCARC/WICEN Christmas luncheon this Saturday 8th December, at 11am for 12 noon, and is free to members (BYOG and soft drinks); this will be followed by the regular WICEN meeting at 2pm, so it’s best to stay clear-headed. Please RSVP to Karen VK2AKB by email to “” by this Wednesday 5th December.
Don’t forget the Wyong Field Day organised by the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club next year; held on the last Sunday in February at Wyong Racecourse, it is the biggest hamfest in the Southern Hemisphere, and will be on the 24th February. As usual, there will be a swag of lectures, and there will be further details in future broadcasts. In the meantime, should anyone have any photographs of the old Field Days then Vice-President Jaye VK2FOMG would love to hear from you.
All meetings of the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club are held at the Club rooms in Dandaloo St, Kariong, just past the fire station at 1pm, preceded by the famous sausage sizzle run by master chef Steve VK2SKC, starting at noon, but it is not known whether the onions will be served on top or under the bangers. The Club rooms are accessible by bus, with a stop just opposite Dandaloo St, serviced by the route 34 bus from Gosford railway station every hour. The Club rooms are usually open from 10.30 every Saturday, for general chit-chat and access to the Club workshop and library.
The Club relays VK2WI News broadcasts every Sunday morning and evening. Callbacks are taken after the morning news only, on the Somersby 6m and 2m repeaters VK2RAG on 53.725 and 146.725 MHz respectively; please note that both repeaters require the standard sub-audible tone of 91.5 Hz.
The Club also runs a mixed-mode repeater VK2RAG on 439.950 MHz, which is connected to the P25 network; a 91.5 Hz tone is required for analogue access, and is highly recommended for receiving (unless you like listening to digital noise).
There is a net held every Thursday on the 2m repeater VK2RAG on 146.725, starting at 8pm; all members are encouraged to join (especially if Club news for the ARNSW broadcast is involved). Club news is happily accepted at “”, preferably by noon on Friday. Listeners may “join” the net by email to “” and their comments will be read out.
The Club also has a Facebook page: just look for “centralcoastarc”, so be sure to “like” it to receive further updates. There is also a Twitter account on @ccarclub
Further information about the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club including coming events can be found on the web site, and it will be updated soon with a completely new look.
— Dave VK2KFU, Publicity Officer, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club