News 17.05.2020
Despite some travel and visitation restrictions being eased in New South Wales, access to the club rooms are closed and all future face to face activities are still on hold until further notice.
The Club held their first online business meeting yesterday via Google Meet and was a success. Some club members used their Computer, some used their smart devices and some dialled in directly from a telephone. A great experience all around, and the club wishes to thank those who attended to meeting.
The club recently performed a hardware upgrade on their MMDVM based Brandmeister DMR repeater. Now running dedicated hardware that directly interfaces with the 70cm repeater has made programming much easier. A shout out goes to our repeater team for keeping all the club’s services in check.
The club’s executive team have been working in the background with surrounding clubs on future collaboration projects and initiative’s placing a key focus on how amateur radio is perceived today amongst the community and diversifying current constructs and barriers.
Did you know the Clubs education facilitator Karen VK2AKB is an AMC Level 3 assessor and the club has the capability to perform remote education and assessment sessions? If you are interested, please reach out to Karen by emailing
The Club hosts a Morning Tea net at 10:00 AM each day. Grab a cuppa and come along for a chat. We would like to thank Bob VK2AOR for running this net for over 40 days now and have even had some international stations drop by to say hello. Absolutely amazing!
The club also runs a weekly Thursday evening net starting at 8:00 PM with varying topics of discussion each week.
Remember, you can view the live stream of the Thursday evening net from the clubs Facebook page, or join in via Echo link using the *CCARCNSW* conference server.
We have had a number of international check ins, including our own club member Ed – VK2JI / DD5LP over in Munich, Germany.
Both nets are available via the VK2RAG 2 Meter repeater 146.725Mhz
The Clubs MMDVM Build day continues to progress with the Clubs Project Facilitator Tom VK2VC working with suppliers for applicable components.
Watch this space!
You can find out more about the CCARC on the web at or the clubs Facebook page, just search for Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.
Vice-President, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.