4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500

News 17.11.2019

News 17.11.2019

News News from the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club 17th November 2019

If you haven’t heard yet, The Central Coast Amateur Radio Club has announced the 2020 field day, Sunday the 23rd February and preparations are in full swing. For those out there who may be looking at parting with some unused equipment, spaces for the car boot sales in the dedicated undercover area are filling up fast! For more info please head on over to www.fieldday.org.au.

The Central Coast Amateur Radio club is located in Dandaloo street Kariong, Just past the fire station. The clubrooms open from around 10:30am each Saturday with meetings kicking off at 1:00 PM

The CCARC is holding an examination day on the 24th of November. Candidates whom are interested in obtaining or updating their licence should contact the club’s education facilitator by emailing education@ccarc.org.au

A reminder the club holds a net each Thursday evening from 8PM on the VK2RAG 2 Meter repeater. Now thanks to the powers of the interwebs, this repeater is now linked to both Echo link and IRLP and we have several international visitors each week dropping in to say G’day. On Thursday evenings you can find the repeater connected to the clubs Echo link conference server “CCARCNSW” or VK2RAG-R / Node 7060 at any other time. Alternatively, IRLP node #6060. Just make sure to disconnect the node when you have finished. Listeners may “join” the net by checking into the live Facebook video stream each Thursday evening or by emailing “netmaster@ccarc.org.au” and their comments will be read out.

Speaking of Digital, the club also runs a mixed mode FM & P25 repeater on 439.950Mhz this is linked to the 10400 Pacific talk group, a 91.5Hz tone is required for analogue access.

The D-star digital service is currently inactive due to a hardware failure.

There is a packet radio BBS on 147.600 MHz, as VK2EHQ; it can also be accessed via the digipeater VK2RAG-1.

You can find further information about the CCARC by visiting www.ccarc.org.au. The club is also active on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Simply search for “Central Coast Amateur Radio Club” and remember to give them a like and follow to keep up to date on the latest happenings.

Listeners for the news broadcast would have observed some interference recently, A shout out for the club’s repeater committee for isolating the issue and swiftly putting a fix into action.

Speaking of interference – The club has recently observed an operator broadcasting APRS beacons via the clubs 2 meter repeater, A timely reminder for all to check their rigs and ensure it is set to the correct frequency.

Club news is happily accepted at “publicity@ccarc.org.au”,

— This news has been brought to you by Brad VK2NMZ, Vice-President, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club

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