NEWS 26.03.2023

Central Coast Amateur Radio Club News – March 26, 2023
The club rooms at Kariong are open on Saturdays from 10am. As always, members and visitors are most
The club sends their best wishes for a speedy recovery to our repeater coordinator, Don VK2ZCZ.
Don’t be an April Fool! The next monthly business meeting will be at 1pm next Saturday, April 1. Details
have been sent out to members email.
Congratulations to our winner of the Rigexpert AA-1500 Antenna Analyser and a DX Commander Classic
80-10m Vertical Antenna kit, who elected to remain anonymous. The club has been in touch; they’re over the moon and very surprised. Thanks to all who took part.
At the VK2RAG Somersby repeater site, the D-Star, Rad-Net DMR and 2m Echolink services are fully
The club Web SDR at Somersby. is configured to listen on 6 metres, 2 metres, 70
centimetres and 23 centimetres.
The Morning Tea Net is run on weekdays at 10:00am and the Weekly net on Thursday at 8:00pm.
Both nets are run on on the VK2RAG repeater – 146.725MHz with a 91.5Hz sub-audible tone, and on the
CCARCNSW and HAM Echolink conferences.
The Thursday evening net is also live video-streamed on the club’s facebook page.
You can find out more about the CCARC, our upcoming social events and other details that we can’t tell you about here on the web at, by phone on 02 4340 2500, or on social media by searching for “Central Coast Amateur Radio Club”. Remember to give the club a “like” to follow for any updates.
73, Alan VK2MG
Publicity Officer, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.
Summary of Nets
VK2RAG 146.725 with 91.5Hz tone and echolink through the CCARCNSW and HAM Conferences
• The Morning Tea Net is held Monday to Friday at 10am.
• The Weekly Net is held on Thursday at 8:00pm