4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500

Tag: Shahzada

News 08.09.2019

Last month’s Shahzada 400km Horse Enduro held to its promise of all four seasons in one day, and sometimes all at once, but it is not known whether the infamous “St. Albans Fade” took place (wherein it is not possible to communicate with Base until the rising sun burns off the mist). Several members took…
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News 01.09.2019

News from the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club At the Annual General Meeting on 17th August the following Committee positions were elected unanimously; President: Jaye VK2FOMG, Vice-President: Brad VK2NMZ, Secretary: Mark VK2CCR, Treasurer: Dave VK2DLS. The Club would like to thank outgoing president Myles VK2ASS for his dedicated work over the past 12 months; the…
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News 18.08.2019

Please note that the VK2RAG D-Star service is still out of action due to what could best be described as a hardware failure (although a more technical term is not fit to be put to air). It will be a complex process to rebuild the system with Ian VK2HK at the helm, so members are…
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News 11.08.2019

Please note that the VK2RAG D-Star service is still out of action due to what could best be described as a hardware failure (although a more technical term is not fit to be put to air). It will be a complex process to rebuild the system with Ian VK2HK at the helm, so members are…
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News 04.08.2019

The digital P25 service at VK2RAG is now operational again, but D-Star is still not working at the time of writing; be sure that the IT Team is working as hard as possible to restore normal services. Also, a reminder that the weekly 2m net is now held at 7pm (on Thursday) during the winter…
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News 14.07.2019

First, a correction to last week’s Club News; it was stated that the Annual General Meeting will be on the 3rd August, following the usual General Meeting. Although true at the time of writing it is now set down for the 17th August, and your Publicity Officer apologises for any confusion caused in the ranks.…
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St Albans One Day Ride

October 2018 saw participating CCARC and WICEN members attend the St Albans One Day Ride event. This event runs horses through 10, 20 and 40-kilometre tracks to test their capabilities and endurance. Amateur radio operators were deployed at 6 locations – Base and checkpoints A through to E. Bob VK2ZAR and Col VK2ZCZ operated the…
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THE PERIODIC NEWSLETTER OF THE CENTRAL COAST AMATEUR RADIO CLUB ISSUE No 15-23 24th July 2015 In this Issue:   Shahzada August 22-28 operators required ARNSW Trash & Treasure D-STAR QSO Party 2015 World Digital ATV QSO Party Aussie balloon record flight ends History This Week Broke & fixed Reminders     1. Shahzada August…
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