4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500





ISSUE No 12-30 12th. August 2012

In this Issue:

  1. CCARC lands on Mars!
  2. RD Contest participation attracts new club member.
  3. Annual General Meeting (AGM) this Friday.
  4. International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend next weekend – listen out for VK2EH/P.

1. CCARC lands on Mars!

As I am sure all of you have heard NASA, or more precisely the Jet Propulsion Laboratory have successfully landed the Mars Rover “Curiosity” on the surface of Mars using a landing method more out of science fiction and that could not be tested prior to its use. On board the rover is a microchip with names of “earthlings” programmed into it. Well like many ARCs I sent off the clubs two main call signs to be included when the possibility came up over a year ago (certificates of acceptance below). The rover has another link to radio in that the tracks on the wheels going across the Mars surface are imprinting  J P L in Morse code.


2. RD Contest participation attracts new club member.

As previously announced, VK2AFY was operational “full bore” running 1 KW from the club rooms during the Rembrance Day (RD) contest from its start at 1pm local to just after 6pm, working 181 stations, all on 40m. Activity was good with the usual rush of contacts and then pauses. 99% of the time we “owned” a frequency and called and called. As you can see from the pictures below both Andrew (VK2FHSV) and Dougie (VK2MDC) had great fun. Tim (VK2AAA) and myself Ed (VK2ARE) also got to operate and log during the event. We never intended running the full 24 hours due to other commitments of members and the upcoming ILLW next weekend (see point 4. below), but 181 contacts in 5 hours is not a bad total and the RD organisers do ask all taking part to send in their logs to help with data checking, so I’ve sent ours in and we’ll see how we do. There is no 6 or 8hr. section only the full 24hr. section so I do not expect us to be high in the table!

A bonus of us taking part is that being on the air attracted Allan (VK2EFM) worked us and was invited to come by and see what we are doing as he is located in Kariong. Allan has now filled in a membership form and will be becoming a new member of the club. Welcome to the CCARC Allan!


3. Annual General Meeting (AGM) this Friday evening (17th. August).

Each year the club needs to elect its management committee for the following year, this Friday is the day that members have the opportunity to decide which of the members standing will be controlling the running of the club over the next year. The AGM also includes reports from the previous years officers on what has been done in and around the club and to present some aims and hopes for the future.

If you haven’t renewed your membership for the coming year, you wont be able to vote at the AGM, nor nominate, or be nominated for a post on the committee, so your LAST CHANCE to renew before the AGM and to put in that nomination (with the nominee’s agreement) will be this coming Tuesday night from 18:00 to 19:30 at the club rooms in Dandaloo Street, Kariong, when the secretary, Leonie VK2LCP will be in attendance.

If you only get to one business meeting at the club rooms in the year, this is the most important one to get to.

The AGM starts at 19:30 prompt on Friday  at the club rooms in Dandaloo Street in Kariong.

4. International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend next weekend – listen out for VK2EH/P.

As just announced on the ARNSW News Broadcast the CCARC and HARAOA will be active in the ILLW from Nobbys Head lighthouse in Newcastle next weekend August 18th. & 19th. If you hear VK2EH/P (or VK2CL/P) on the HF bands, please give us a call. The intent is for Lighthouses to inter-communicate however contacts will all stations are welcome and as last year a special custom VK2EH/P QSL card will be sent out to all contacts who request one.

As “Nobbys” is open to the public on the Sunday, I would be VERY VERY happy if some members could be present at Nobbys between 10am and 3pm to explain Amateur radio to visitors and of course to come along and say hello and see the operations.



CCARC online links

Upcoming events of interest to the CCARC

For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website.

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