4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500





ISSUE No 12-41 18th. November 2012

In this Issue:

  1. CCARC announce “mini-contest-university” for new DXers in connection with Wyong Field Day.
  2. Dayton Hamvention Announces DX Theme for 2013.
  3. Reminder – important actions next Saturday 24th. November.

1. CCARC announce “Mini-Contest-University”.

A new attraction at the Wyong Field Day weekend in 2013 is to be the running of a “Mini Contest University” on the Saturday preceding the main event on Sunday. This “MCU” will be based on material from the Dayton 2012 contest university supplied by that group with their authorisation to use. The MCU will take the form of presentations followed by workshop discussions on the topic covered and is aimed at people just getting interested in DX and contesting. It is hoped that some of the more  advanced topics will be covered at a second contest university event at the WIA national Convention in Perth at the end of May (24th-26th).

Available places will be limited, so a reservation requirement will be put in place once more details are clear. Details will be posted at fieldday.org.au as soon as these are known and a link from the main Dayton Contest University website will be put in place also.


2. Dayton Hamvention Announces DX Theme for 2013.

Thanks to the ARRL newsletter for this next item.

Throughout its 62 years, the Dayton Hamvention® has showcased the best that Amateur Radio has to offer. Each year, a specific theme — such as Amateur Radio clubs, global friendship or the advent of digital modes — spotlights one of the many facets of the Amateur Radio Service. When Hamvention opens on May 17, 2013, at Hara Arena, the 2013 theme DX Hamvention will reflect an important part of ham radio: the distant contact. “Hamvention is often an important DX destination for amateurs from all over the globe,” Hamvention General Chairman Charles Kaiser, KD8JZR, explained. “Working DX is often a mix of magic, conditions and the diligent application of radio theory.”!

ARRL Newsletter November 15th. 2012.

3. Reminder – important actions next Saturday 24th. November – we need members support!

Next Saturday, the 24th. of November, has several important actions happening, so we need extra support from members.

In the morning from 10am a group of members is needed to work on the production of the various tickets needed at next years field day. These will need to be printed, cut, perforated and then made into books and packed ready for use on the day. The entry tickets are different for next year incorporating the door prize tab part and so will take a little longer to produce than the 2012 ones. If you have a guillotine or stapler please bring that with you and the more equipment we have, the quicker this action can proceed in a “production line” format.

Once the ticket making work of the morning has been completed you will be able to take advantage of the club putting on a barbeque at midday.

In the afternoon there will be this month’s planning meeting for the Field Day starting at 13:00. This is a crucial meeting, confirming many of the plans for February and as many members as possible are asked to attend to give input and take on tasks (rather than being simply allocated them later).

In parallel to these activities at the club rooms at Kariong, the club is also entering the WIA Spring VHF-UHF field day contest under our club call VK2EH/P in an 8-hour entry from the start of the contest at midday through to 8pm. As we have different equipment and operators than usual we will need longer to set-up, so members who can support this action are needed at Staples Lookout from 10am.

Please see if you can support one of these events, it is unfortunate that they overlap in this way, which is why we need to “mobilise” more club members next Saturday. For those who wish to, it is of course possible to first support the activities at the club room at Kariong and then come out to the contest site afterwards as it is only 5 minutes down Woy Woy Road from the club rooms at “Staples Lookout”, but the crucial time for support is the set-up and take down periods given the three masts each with their own antennas that we intend to erect.

Any club member who is able to help with the set-up or take-down actions is asked to contact the contests manager (that’s me, Ed) via the email address contests @ ccarc.org.au.

Chris VK2YY & Ed VK2JI.


CCARC online links

Upcoming events of interest to the CCARC

For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website.

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