4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500




ISSUE No 13-38 2nd. November 2013

In this Issue:

  1. New Lectures materials page on website.
  2. WIA spring VHF-UHF Field Day-Nov. 23/24.
  3. New web pages for Wyong Field day information.
  4. Broke & fixed.
  5. Reminders.

1. New lecture materials page on website.

For those lectures where the presenter gives permission, we are now uploading PDF versions of the presentation material to this website. While this will NEVER be as good as attending live, it will at least provide some useful material to view.

To access the new lecture material download page – click on Education in the main bar on the home page and then click on CCARC lectures as shown below;


At present we have the September lecture on SOTA and October lecture on EMR awareness. We hope to add to these ongoing.



2. WIA spring VHF/UHF Field Day-Nov. 23rd/24th.

It’s only three weeks to the WIA VHF/UHF Field Day contest with Col VK2KCM and Doug VK2MDC most likely teaming up to make one CCARC entry with the help of Andrew VK2PAM and others. Alternative locations and times are being discussed and the current favorite is to operate the full contest from the Watagans. What will happen and where it will happen will depend upon how many people contact Doug VK2MDC and show an interest in SUPPORTING THIS CLUB EVENT. So please let Doug know when you will be able to be present. Even if you don’t like operating and only want to assist with the transport or come and give moral support for part of the day, that’s still taking part. Please contact Doug and let him know what you are willing to do, to help.


3. New webpages for Wyong Field day information

If you have been checking out the ccarc.org.au website over the last few days, you will have seen that we now have a section covering information about the field day in February next year. You can access this information from the top menu bar or simply by clicking on the Wyong Field Day poster graphic on the home page. More sub pages will be added as required as more information is provided. Thanks to Andrew VK2PAM and Ian VK2HK for creating these pages.


3. Broke & fixed.

Good news! Ian VK2HK’s investigatory work has paid off and we have Internet connectivity in the Kariong Club rooms again. The problem was fixed by either CCI or Telstra mid week. It appears this was not a problem in the club rooms as originally though but once again a problem at the exchange.

Work continues on the 23 cm trial repeater teething problems, however it has shown that the coverage area from Somersby is very good for 23cm communications.

4. Reminders.

This section lists important announcements and possibly items from previous CCARC NEWS editions that are still current and may need your input:

  Education Day – November 9th.

Education and revision day – 9th. November at the CCARC club rooms at Kariong. Assessments for all grades – Foundation, Standard and Advanced contact Chris VK2YY under vk2yychris at gmail.com or via phone on 0482 239 413

November’s lecture – Electromagnetic compatibility – Saturday November 23rd at 1pm.


Brian, VK2GCE will map out the EMI / EMC / EMR field and then focus on a few things we as radio amateurs can do to reduce EMI, to achieve a modicum of EMC and live more happily. With plumbing, it is always a good plan to fix the source of the leak. With EMR, it is not so easy to fix the source of EMI; so, we need to build good defences. Brian’s presentation will address: bonding, filtering, grounding, phasing, shielding and spacing.

Members sales page

Have you checked the sales page recently? Several items have been sold, but there’s still a bargain or two to be had.

Anyone reading this on the website who is not yet a member of the CCARC, please consider joining by emailing ccarc @ ccarc.org.au for full details.

For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website.

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