4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500




ISSUE No 16-15 26th August 2016

In this Issue:

  1. Business Meeting
  2. ACMA licence issue getting back on track
  3. WIA recruitment, digital AR magazine, and the Committee System
  4. Switched-mode PSU wreaks havoc
  5. Broke & fixed
  6. Reminders

1. Business Meeting

The next CCARC Business meeting will be held on Saturday 3rd September 2016, commencing at 1300 hours.

2. ACMA licence issue getting back on track

The Australian Communications and Media Authority has now fixed itsSPECTRA computer system that was not recording renewals and new licences properly.

In late July the Wireless Institute of Australian advised that the ACMA
online licensing database was showing records incorrectly.

After a meeting with the ACMA the WIA agreed to suspend its issuing of
callsign recommendations. The suspension was due to teething problems with the ACMA SPECTRA computer system.

This has now been restored and the “Public List of Available Callsigns” is
active on the WIA website. The WIA Exam Service has also completed all of its delayed callsign recommendations.

Wireless Institute of Australia

Source:  Southgate AR News


3. WIA recruitment, digital AR magazine, and the Committee System

The WIA Board continues to discuss a range of matters on its busy agenda each month.

An idea floated at the AGM was to give all new radio amateurs a period of free WIA membership with hard copies of the Amateur Radio magazine in the post. It fits in with the WIA Board priority of seeking to recruit new members. It was a good suggestion however, after investigation, it was considered that the administration costs of the proposal would be too high.

Out of this exercise came a better way to effect the original recruitment tool. This would be a coupon system that allows new amateurs to download a free digital edition of Amateur Radio magazine, for a limited period. The Board decided to move ahead with development of such a coupon system for new radio amateurs.

On another matter the WIA Board is keen to strengthen is the WIA Committee System.

A new structure was discussed where each Committee could consist of a Director, and a Committee Leader. This would reduce the day-to-day involvement of Directors, except in Committees dealing with Regulatory, Financial and Administrative issues.

Instead of having them all just called a Committee, it was decided to reflect more closely their purpose and method working, with them to fall under four categories.

Permanent Committee: One that acts together or meets regularly, to effect its on-going functions or tasks.

Advisory Groups: Set up on an ad-hoc basis to provide advice to the WIA Board.

Working Groups: To study and report on all aspects of a particular issue, and make recommendations.

While Taskforces will work on a single, defined task or activity to be completed within a specified time frame.

On another matter, also arising out of the AGM, where about 40 per cent of members present indicated that they preferred the digital edition of Amateur Radio magazine, and do not want the paper copy. When specifically asked, most did not expect to receive a WIA membership fee reduction.

The WIA Board has resolved to move ahead with the development of an paper edition opt-out for Amateur Radio magazine. WIA members who still wish to receive the paper edition will not be affected. The WIA Board is to be briefed further on the mechanics of the proposed opt-out system, before testing and then introducing the system later this year.

Author : Jim Linton – VK3PC

Source:  WIA News


4. Switched-mode PSU wreaks havoc

An interference source began plaguing wireless vehicle key fobs, mobile phones and other devices, and police called for Amateur Radio to investigate.

Key fob owners in an area of Illinois USA could not open or start their vehicles until towed a block away, and mobile phones were also useless. The police turned to American Radio Relay League, after earlier being unsuccessful with the Federal Communications Commission that thought car makers should remedy the situation.

The ARRL Laboratory then used a receiver and yagi beam to survey the affected block, and found a recently replaced neon sign switching-mode power supply emitting a substantial signal.

The ARRL said the situation demonstrated the electromagnetic compatibility problems that are evolving with noncompliant, unintentional RF-emitting devices. It has long been against ballast known as grow-lights in hydroponic growing of marijuana in flats and houses, rather radiates RF energy.

Source:  Amateur Radio Victoria




Nothing to report.


This section lists important announcements and possibly items from previous CCARC NEWS editions that are still current and may need your input:

Anyone reading this on the website who is not yet a member of the CCARC, please consider joining by emailing ccarc at ccarc dot org dot au for full details.

For submissions to this newsletter from CCARC club members please email the editor news-editor at ccarc dot org dot au

For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website.

Dave VK2DLS … News & Publicity Officer …

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