4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500

CCARC NEWS Edition 12-15

CCARC NEWS Edition 12-15



ISSUE No 12-15   21st. April 2012

In this Issue:

  1. 6m Midland 91.5Hz mod
  2. CCARC Interactive – Topics for Wednesday night discussions
  3. Reminder: Use of AX call sign on Anzac day.

1. 6m Midland 91.5Hz CTCSS modification

Can those club members who are currently modifying the Midland transceivers for use with the new VK2RAG 6m repeater please contact Don, VK2ZCZ for details on how to obtain an updated Z-273 EPROM module to allow the rigs to run with the 91.5Hz CTCSS tone required for the repeater. Don has created ten of the EPROMs and is willing to help you install the new chip by using swop over units at the club either on a Saturday or Tuesday evening meeting.

Please contact Don as soon as possible if you require one (or more) of these updated EPROMs.

2. CCARC Interactive – Topics for Wednesday’s nets

Do you have a topic that you’d like to discuss with fellow amateurs on the club net? Well, here’s your chance to set up one of the topics for discussion for the Wednesday  club net on May 2nd. Send your suggestions to  netmaster at ccarc dot org dot au.  This is also the email address that will be monitored during the Net on May 2nd, starting at 8pm on the clubs 2m repeater, VK2RAG on 146.725MHz. So for those only listening, this is a way to give some feedback, or corrections to what is being said!

Give it a try, let’s see how this goes! Emails are especially welcome from SWLs or those without equipment to transmit, any one that can receive and is interested in Amateur Radio on the Central Coast of NSW, is very welcome to send your suggestions in and if suitable to go on air they will be brought up for discussion.

3. Reminder – use of AX call sign prefix this coming Wednesday 25th. April.

ANZAC day is one of three occasions in the year (World Telecommunications Day and Australia Day being the other two) where all Australian Radio Amateurs are allowed to change the start of their call sign from VK to AX. So for example VK2ARE can become AX2ARE for the day. This is an optional change, you don’t have to change your call sign for the day.


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Upcoming events of interest to the CCARC

For what’s coming up in the next few months at the CCARC, please check the club calendar, accessible from the header on any page on the website

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